Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

December 29, 2023
Dear Editor,
The State of Colorado Supreme Court, and now Maine, have decided that without evidence, without charges, with out conviction Donald J. Trump is guilty of an insurrection on January 6, 2021, claiming he violated Article 14 of The Constitution of The United States. A document misquoted, misunderstood, and twisted to suit their narrative. Their opinions are based on political bias of a group of small minded, selfish, self serving, emotionally detached from the public best interest politicians bent on saving there personal best interests and continuation of the”PARTY” agenda. Thus pressing the masses into servitude.
Obviously today’s political machine is believing the statement of Former President Barack Obama. It was filmed referencing an “international order,” or “world order”, saying men and women are “too small-minded to govern their own affairs,” and insisting that “order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign.”
This statement should be worthy of today’s young voters scrutiny.
To the young voter I would ask the question, “are you capable of managing your own future? Would you have the government make your decisions for you?
The youth usual resent being told what to do. Should we sacrifice our freedom, WE WILL BE TOLD WHAT TO DO. Or, you will not have electric, food, transportation. Fudge! I forgot to mention the goal of the government is to limit your mobility. Seldom affording the trip to the beach with your friends and family with all your toys people now take with them because there will be no room on the bus, or train, or plane.
Do you truly believe giving up your Rights to a “sovereign entity” or government would make your life better?
Does the young voter have the capacity to separate emotions from fact. Or will they vote WOKE?
Another favorite motto is, “the ends justifies the means” That means lie, cheat, steal. What ever it takes to win.
All this is fact. And one more fact is, you get to vote in secrecy, choosing the lesser evil for the various positions. You will never be advised by a politician that you choice today WILL affect the rest your life. Taxes normally increase, remember that truth.
Perhaps as a young person voting for the first time you need to know your vote is very important. (Bin Laden was more popular than the guy in the White House today. He, Biden, with Pelosi, Schumer and a host of the other WOKE politicians have done more harm to our population in the name of climate change than any other group).
I look at the America of the future being left to the next generation and wonder if the young voters will understand their potential effect their vote can make.
To all that serve the public, thank you.
I wish all a happy, safe and prosperous new year.
Lloyd Brightwell