Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

March 8, 2024
Dear Editor,
It seems to be popular for our political left wingers to refer to white people as “Privileged”, or racist or we are all immigrants. These labels are never the consensus of the masses.
The politicians on the left use these words to divide us.
I have on numerous occasions been angered by terms our political leaders use to make their points.
Terms like “workers” instead of professionals. Some have been victims of the liberal changing word “worker” instead of server, mechanic, plumber, welder and the list goes on. Their word turns us from professionals to the worker bees of their hive mentality. Personally I have been certified in so many areas to improve myself, as most people have been. A professional title lends credit to your and my credibility. Ironically no certification is required for politicians. They should be “workers” as they work for us, supposedly. How would the President, Senator or Congress person like to be belittled by removing their title?
Another such term is “native” American. This is usually used when referring to the American Indian. They want us to think we are immigrants. That is NOT TRUE!
While yes, the American Indian is a Native American, the more accurate term would be an “indigenous people”.
The definition of native is one who is born in a particular geographic location or country.
Our political leaders inappropriately use the term Native American. Because the immigrants that came to America in the 1700s after the declaration of independence and the establishment of America, were immigrants. Our political leaders today refer to us as immigrants. However later generations born in America are Native Americans by definition.
The American Indian is an indigenous people who were here before the colonies. Look up the definition of native, aboriginal, indigenous.
Most of you and I have been referred to by political leaders as immigrants to justify their argument about the southern border being open. “We are all immigrants” is the way they argue or justify their position of approval for the illegals.
By referring to the American Indian as native detracts somewhat from their standing as indigenous. By comparing the American public as immigrants because our forefathers migrated here, detracts from our standing as American citizens. We are natives because we were born here.
I think it’s important for us to Delineate the differences. An example would be:
I believe the American Indian deserves their place as indigenous. They were here prior to the colonies.
Some of the leadership refers to the illegal immigrants as immigrants leaving out the illegal part to soften the opinions of the immigrants which confuses the illegal immigration issue.
It also detracts from our standing as natives, Legal natives.
Well “President” Biden finally visited East Palestine Ohio. If he were awake I believe the citizens conveyed their disrespect for him.
I almost felt sorry for him. But I can’t be. He has treated all of America the same way.
He has treated Maui, the southern border states and the residents of East Palestine with equal disregard. He has projected his “I don’t care” attitude to all. And with the falsehoods he spouts, no one believes him.
He is so insulated from the reality’s of his tyrannical rule.
Instead of addressing the country’s problems he spends 40% of his time at the beach on vacation.
He has been judged by the D.O.J. less than capable to be prosecuted for illegal handling of classified documents. Yet Trump is run through the wringer of the party of hatred for Trump.
The two tier government is so apparent.
Look seriously at the January 6th recordings that the party of hate twisted for THEIR narrative.

Regardless of your political affiliation, do you think your could get better treatment from a well meaning old guy with memory loss?
What tier are you on?
Truckers for Trump have started boycotting NYC. It seems some arrogant judge has decided to fine Trump $355,000,000 for fraud during a business deal with a bank.
Trump borrowed money from the bank for a project, repaid the loan with interest.
Now the judge self proclaimed Trump hater decided Trump should pay $355,000,000. Their is no victim, no law broken just a self serving glory hog judge boasting he got Trump.
I can understand Judge Arthur Engoron. He was a cab driver working way through law school obviously envious of “Orange Man”.
So he decided Trump shouldn’t have that money.
So many big feeling Prosecutors, District Attorneys and poor excuses for judges bought and paid for by George Soros have declared war on anyone who would dare to fight for America and the American way.
What would the state of New York do with all that money? I mean according to trail records there is no victim. No one was hurt, swindled or cheated. Where is the crime?
The crime is no one is being honest at the bench, on the prosecution table. Theres the crime.
Question: Now, can they do it to you?
Get involved.
March 7, 2024
Well Biden has shown his mental acuity. He ranted the same garbage about his accomplishments, referred to his “predecessor” numerous times in his Rant of The Union speech. He couldn’t even get Laken Riley’s name correct. He called her “Lincoln” Riley. Her name was even on the TelePrompTer. I only listened for about five minutes the I became nauseous and changed the channel. He keeps beating the same dead horse.
He actually believes the people are stupid enough to accept his garbage.
Always remembering our military for their service, thank you.
To our various police agencies I give thanks for you being on the job.
Our first responders thank you for your readiness.
And thank you to our our medical professionals for their dedication to our health.
Lloyd Brightwell