Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

October 23, 2023
Dear Editor,
In Brooklyn New York, the Palestinians are in support of Palestine. My question is if they support Palestine would they support the United States of America? I mean you see all these flags from all over the world in America you have the Mexican flags being flown you have Ukrainian flags being flown but you don’t see an American flag flying with them or above them as it should be.
While watching the news this week it’s been apparent that the very expensive Ivy League colleges have demonstrations in support of Palestine and condemning the Response of the Israelis because of the October 7 attack on Israel.
I believe we should be proud of our heritage, the origin of our family tree, however first and foremost we should be proud and loud about being an American.
I have been told I’m English, Irish, and two tribes of American Indian. How true I do know. But I am a Native American in that I was born in America. My earlier. Generations were immigrants. I was born here. So, I fly an American flag to which I pledge allegiance.
I fly the American flag because I love my country, I like our form of government. I fly the Gadsden flag because a willingness stand for my country And a Trump 2024 because of my disgust for some of our politicians.
Recently I signed up for my Countrywide Concealed Carry permit.
The advertisements said Nancy Pelosi was livid because of the loophole allowing a nation concealed carry. I signed up just to get her panties in a twist!
Anything I can do to twist the people would restrict our rights for their agenda into a frenzy I do. Obama run his mouth about American didn’t need an AR15. So, I bought one. If I support the firearms manufacturer buy the purchase the manufacturer can support the NRA as I do. Joe Biden jumped on the democrat anti gun agenda against the AR15. So, I bought another. Each time some stupid anti gun democrat tries to restrict my right to own one, I bought another just to support the 2nd amendment, support the firearms industry and fight the anti gun liberals with that support.
The more restrictive the various agencies write the regulations, the less strength of rights have. Joe Biden and his cronies tried to restrict freedom of speech by establishing the Disinformation Governance Board. The people complained and the board wasn’t activated. It is on hold however.
Asinine individuals like Hilary Clinton would subvert our free thought process to conform to the brainwashing of her cult. You know her term is “reprogramming”.
Ain’t she is special?
Biden and the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms has pushed to restrict the 2nd Amendment by requiring private gun sales and trades to submit to background checks. I know over the years my brother and I have traded bought and sold to each other. Now it’s going to be illegal. What if you have a youngster who desires to hunt with grandpa? Wants his own gun? He or she wants to learn to shoot.
According to this new requirement grandpa can’t give his .410 shotgun to the child without violating the restrictive laws. A five year jail sentence and or a $25,000 dollar fine.
Steven M. Dettelbach was appointed by Joe Biden as the Director of the ATF. Needless to say he is a democrat and Biden flunky. Why, if the Constitution and Amendments are going to be violated, can’t we sue the crap out of them?
As the Colonials in 1700’s expressed their distain for the oppressive regulators of King George we need to express our displeasure of the oppressive government officials.
Note, I said government officials. Nothing wrong with our form of government. It’s the people in office flaunting their egos.
Sometime back I wrote of the local kids playing ball. Most of us could not afford regulation basket balls or footballs. The more affluent kids had ruled the game. If some of us would call foul committed by this kid. He would say “it’s my ball and we’ll play by my rules or I’ll take the ball and go home”.
Our political leaders are the “rich kids” but they have forgotten as a lot of us have, WE OWN THE BALL!
The proof is how we are suppressed by their rules. Some want to reprogram us, (Clinton), some want us to be tolerant to their misguided definition of fair, they want equity not equality. (Liberals). Some want wokeism so we are confused, befuddled to complacency.
This all leads me to a conspiracy theory of my own. This week with all the brouhaha in the world of distraction we are being invaded by the dreaded ladybugs and stink bugs.
As these silent, agitating, creepy crawlies, roam aimlessly through our homes, I’ve come to the conclusion they are sneaky, annoying, spying, government agents set to disrupt our lives called nano-agents. The bugs seem to be attracted to bright colors and anything white. Would that fit the White privilege definition? If it’s white they’re blight!
They are annoying to me as Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Obama, Hilary Clinton, the Squad, with no purpose but destroy the sanctity of our lives.
Hey Hilary, try to reprogram that.
The time has come to honor those wearing the various distinct uniforms.
Our military personnel, our various police agencies, our first responders and our medical professionals.
Thank you to you all.
Lloyd Brightwell