Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

October 19, 2023
Dear Editor,
While watching the news coverage of the war in Israel a report of demonstrations at college campuses. The college students are demonstrating against Israel not Hamas.
Some misguided individuals are protesting Israel’s explanation of the hospital bombing.
I realize Israel, Palestine and Gaza are the hot spot because of religious differences.
As in the October 18, 2023 Herald Record, Mac Warner, WV Secretary of State article, “Decapitating Children- Can this crisis be managed?” The article is quite enlightening and scary.
The description of how to purge the world of non Islamist by decapitation and dismemberment is quite disconcerting, and Graphic.
This type of information should have brought the attention of the college age of our population. How can anyone with any common sense not see that Hamas bombarded Israel on October 6th as a first strike. How can anyone blame Israel for retaliation and defending itself.
This is the same way we were attacked on September 11, 2001. For no apparent reason certain factions of the Muslim world decided to attempt to purge the world of Infidels.
a person who does not believe in religion or who adheres to a religion other than one’s own.”a crusade against infidels and heretics”
plural noun: infidels.
Christians and Jews are considered infidels in the Muslim world.
According to the Koran the same college age protesters not Muslim is an infidel, therefore a target of Jihad.
Look at the war crimes by butchering innocent people, the brutality in treatment of women and children.
The Hamas sympathizers are defending Hamas and blaming Israel. What would these sympathizers do if their parents were on the receiving end of the same treatment? They would be infuriated and demanding retribution.
The Squad members have stood for Hamas and demanded Israel to cease fire.
Biden tried to parallel the was in Israel and Ukraine when there is no comparison.
Cori Bush, Rashida Talib, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ilan Omar, Jamaal Bowman, Ayanna Pressley, are speechifying against Israel’s response to the attack and atrocities of the war. Using the term “atrocities of war” is mild compared to the actual sickening heartless attitude and hatred toward nonbelievers.
I would ask of the protesters of the Israeli response, “what would you expect your response would be if these atrocities were in your town?”
September 2001 we were not ready for an attack. But with with what we know about September 11, 2001, the fact the border has been allowed by this administration to be inundated by illegals of dubious character.
I believe at this point we cannot let our guard down. It has been reported a large number of military age Chinese men and Iranian military age men have crossed the border as “immigrants, refugees.
I’m skeptical.
On another note, our “Disfunctional and Chief” signed the U.N. Small Arms Agreement.
This agreement gives the U.N. the power to enforce the gun control desires of the left. The Senate has to approve it. This gives the U.N. the capability to supersede OUR constitution. This would allow the U.N. to develop a master gun registry of our personally and legally owned firearms. Next is the outrageous taxing and confiscation.
We need to fight this by calling, writing or mailing our disapproval to our Senators and Congressman and women.
Several of the members of the U.N. are Arab states who are predominantly Muslim.
The same people who call us INFIDELS.
Do you think we are ready to give that authority to Hamas, al-Qaeda, Isis, the Arab Brotherhood, Especially with the war in Israel.
We have, in the women mentioned in the previous paragraph, Senators and congresswomen who are obviously non Christian and do not like our country as it is.
We the people do not need more of the same.
This is getting more serious by the day. We have government agencies that are suppose to look out for America’s interests. But they are engaged in hanging Trump and kissing our DISFUNCTIONAL and Chief’s ring
I can only hope those who voted for this windbag will not try to elect him again.
He’s done more harm than good.
Obviously it’s fall. The trees are beautiful, the wildlife has busied themselves with foraging and decorating the hill with their presence.
Hunting season is one my favorite times of the year. I look Forward to the camp’s wood stove. Friends sitting around the card table telling stories of hunts past. Telling of jokes and adventures between seasons.
We have been working on the four wheeler trails leading to the various box blinds by clearing downed trees.
I wish for the hunters and sportsman reading this a safe and enjoyable hunting season.
May your smiles be big, your game bags and freezers full, and your friends be many.
I wish as always to thank our protectors and caretakers.
Our military, our police agencies, our first responders and the medical professionals.
We owe them our respect and appreciation.
Lloyd Brightwell