Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

October 11, 2023
Dear Editor,
It seems some people reach for so many words and terms to express ideas outside of the “normal “ wording or terminology.
I learned a new term today.
Hegelian dialectic — Definition & Meaning : philosophy an interpretive method in which the contradiction between a proposition (thesis) and its antithesis is resolved at a higher level of truth (synthesis)
Hegelian dialectic : Definition & Meaning – Dictionary.com
Hegel identified dialectic as the tendency of a notion to pass over into its own negation as the result of conflict between its inherent contradictory aspects.Sep 8, 2023
Britannica — Dialectic | Hegelian, Synthesis & Antithesis | Britannica
… Hegelian dialectic describes changes in the forms of thought through their own internal contradictions into concrete forms that overcome previous oppositions.
This term is used to describe the controversy of climate change. The conflict of preaching climate perils while dumping tons of CO2 in the form of each private jet exhaust during a flight to a climate conference.
A more familiar term I know to describe Hegelian Dialect is, oxymoron.
ox·y·mo·ron is a noun
1 a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).”that fashionable rhetorical novelty, the humblebrag, is itself an oxymoron”
An example of the oxymoron is President Joe Biden in a speech said, “we have lower fuel prices because of the efforts we made”. (I’m paraphrasing of course).
The high fuel prices are a direct result of his first day executive orders declaring war on fossil fuels. Which can be deemed a Hegelian Dialect. That’s a long way around the barn but it makes a point.
If you look at the interviews with Obama and Pelosi about misleading the public with falsehoods until the public becomes confused enough to accept the falsehoods as fact. It seems their party has that down to a science.
While cruising Facebook I came across a clip that explains the obsession with gun control and how words are twisted and replaced with phrases softening the argument. The second amendment is the greatest obstacle of “The New World Order” around the world.
Our country is under attack from radicals both foreign and domestic. Iran hates us. Al-Qaeda, Isis, Russian government, China and a host of others.
Some of our wealthiest citizens and some politicians would relieve us of our rights and freedoms. They are the elite class. We are their peasants. That’s why. We are referred to as “workers”. We do the laborious jobs for them while they come up with more restraints.
October 15, 2023
Congresswoman Cori Bush is blaming America for the aggression of the Palestinians and Hamas towards Israel. She is a socialist who would us Subjugated and ruled ruled or exterminated at the hands of racial Islam.
Congress woman Rashida Talib is it in full support of the Palestinians and Hamas. She is a socialist who has infiltrated congress and our legislative body while expressing her distain for America and our allies.
How in the name of heaven could anybody vote them into office?
Cori Bush, Rashida Talib, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ilan Omar, Jamaal Bowman, Ayanna Pressley, these people are worse than Schumer or Pelosi. Those two are bad enough. The squad openly criticizing America. Why? They live in a country of freedom and independence where a woman is able to achieve prominence. Try that in the Middle East. However, they are not satisfied.
The “Squad” wants accept Palestinian refugees from Gaza You would not be able to sort the terrorists from the refugees. The collapse of the southern border has already allowed potential terrorists into our country.
Why would we want more?
The F.B.I. Director Christopher Wray has issued a warning of concern for the possibility of Lone Wolf, copycat attacks HERE, on our soil against our friends and family. Why would we want a fight on our own soil?
Why can’t our political leaders take a flippin’ hint. The squad is is prime candidates for reprogramming because of the contrary stance of refugee public opinions.
Hamas is ruthless in their attacks. Beheading children, raping girls and women, indiscriminately shooting into houses and schools. That sounds like Genocide tokill the younger generation so you don’t have to fight them later.
Again, research the people who are running for office. That should be a standard procedure for each election.
As always, thanks to our military, police, first responders and medical professionals.
Lloyd Brightwell