Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

October 5, 2023
Dear editor,
This month has started off in utter chaos for the House of Representatives.
I believe Matt Gaetz and others may have been a bit hasty in removing McCarthy as Speaker of the House. It only serves to stir an already boiling pot of problems.
What happened? McCarthy sided with Democrats with continuation proposal
I sort of agree with the continuation proposal because if the government were to be “shut down” the past has shown us the government would still pay.
Government employees would still receive their salaries. And would only give an opportunity for another round of the blame game.
What I don’t agree with is Biden can still throw money at his pet project, Ukraine.
Biden wants to forgive student loans, at our expense. That reportedly nine billion dollars, ($9,000,000,000).
He can promote these two items at his discretion.
He is not noted for his ability to Discreetly handle tax dollars. These are vote getters.
Biden is so far behind in the polls he has to do something. Why not throw our money at it his low poll numbers and buy the votes.
Now, after congress grilled Mayorkas. Mayorkas, with the seat of his pants set afire, now he’s calling for more border wall to be constructed. Nothing like closing the gates after the cattle got out. Were was he two years ago? Lying with proficiency with his boss.
I mean, armed insurgents entering the U.S. border. Drug traffic has run continuously with only minor interruptions. Mayorkas kissed the ring of King Biden instead of doing his job. You know if one of the peasants sandbagged as Mayorkas has the individual would be FIRED. I wouldn’t put him charge of parking meters.
What is supposed to be leadership is a travesty. Mayorkas, Biden, Wray, Graholm, and Garland should be impeached, tried for not honoring their oaths, tried for malfeasance and tried for treason against American way of life. Then, not jailed, but imprisoned. These individuals insult each one of us. Those who still support these people are not realizing the insults to their intelligence.
Those listed above, Mayorkas, Biden, Wray, Graholm, and Garland took their oath, then neglected to do their jobs and conveniently neglected to tell the truth.
They have to do something because they sat on their hands as opposed to doing their jobs. Just as the old saying goes “the natives are restless”.
We the people are demonstrating an awareness of their indifference to our needs and a lack of tolerance to the constabulary’s operation.
They live in a world far removed from the world of JOHN Q. Citizen.
Upon conviction they should be subjected to lives as the ruled.
Is there any reason for anyone to respect these names?
The congress was making headway on our behalf until Matt Gaetz started with removal of McCarthy as speaker. I liked the congressman’s attitude when he was grilling the various department heads in appropriations. But his actions toward McCarthy was not to our benefit at this time.
Congressman Gaetz and congresswoman Boebert were instrumental in the delays in selecting a speaker in January. This delay cost valuable time getting things done.
As a side, I don’t like everything Congressman Gaetz does but he does seem to champion the people’s interests.
It is difficult to evaluate congressman Gaetz, because as passionate as he is with the various agencies heads, his emotional state concerning McCarthy may be questionable.
October 6, 2023
Hilary Clinton said, “the Trump “MAGA” followers are a cult and needs to be reprogrammed”.
I say, “Try it witch!” My disdain for her goes back to when former President Bill Clinton was running for President. She told us then who she is. And she has proven her worth since.
I still would like to see her in a orange jumpsuit.
She demonstrated her unfitness to hold office or pass judgement on anyone because of her despicable and cavalier attitude for the rule of law.
Her attitude is the attitude of the left. We are supposed to “goose step” to her and the left tune. She, as most mentioned here, have no shame! No shame
She makes me proud to be MAGA and a Deplorable. She has her panties in a wad because after Benghazi the people could not trust her. She obviously is not smart enough to leave “we the people” alone. She is a has been. Has been in a position to make a difference. Has been ready to kiss political butt to effectively perform her jobs.
I say, I would rather be Deplorable than to be despicable
1 deserving strong condemnation.”the deplorable conditions in which most prisoners are held”
1 deserving hatred and contempt.”a despicable crime”
With these shining examples, why would anyone admire these subspecies of the human race?
The phrase “MAGA Extremism” is defined as a cult. What do extreme left who wants you to have an electric vehicle, give up you gas appliances, not use plastics, follow the climate control tripe unconditionally
1 a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.”the cult of St. Olaf” ◦ a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.”a network of Satan-worshiping cults”
Sounds like the followers of climate control to me.
Sounds like the verbiage of the radical left.
Sounds like Hilary should open at a Webster’s occasionally. She continually beat the drum of defeat from 2016. Yes, Trump does as well, but with more validity than she.
If, I for one looked for people to admire, I would admire, honor and respect our military, our police agencies, our first responders and our medical professionals. These are the admirables. I mean if we want to label people or groups of people this would a good one. Thank you, to you all.
Lloyd Brightwell
Deplorable at large