Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

September 22, 2023
Dear Editor,
While watching the news this morning a report showing testimony by a border agent he stated the southern border is now open. The Biden administration has removed the surveillance equipment from the border.
What does this mean? The Biden and the administration is complicit with the cartels promoting the immigration surge.
I believe this is simply a ploy by the administration and the Democrat party for the promotion of a “one government world” by forcing a dilution of our population. (Why else would Biden open the border?)
These illegal immigrants have to be fed and housed. Who pays for the illegal immigrants care and welfare? The tax paying citizens.
The immigrants are breaking the bank. America can not stand this strain
Biden’s impeachment is necessary to preserve OUR way of life.
He has neglected our population’s needs and catered to Ukraine, illegal immigrants,
Climate change and anything other our needs.
He has declared war on fossil fuels, as did Obama. He promotes the electrical generation solution for energy causing our electric costs to increase, as predicted by, you guessed it, Obama in 2007.
Obama said, quote, “You know what, if I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front-man or a front-woman and they had an ear piece in and I was just in my basement with my sweats looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I would be fine with that”.
Enter Joe Biden! He’s following Obama’s playbook. Obama also said, “I’m not opposed to $9.00 a gallon gasoline”. I watched Obama during his interview. And Biden declares war on fossil fuels on his first day!
Coincidence? I think not! (And, no, I’m not a fan of either).
Over the past twenty years we have seen so much. We have seen forced compliance with wearing masks, mandated vaccinations and boosters. Various agencies of the government making rules and tightening regulations forcing submissions to their will.
All under the guise of “ for the greater good”. Good for who? What is “the greater good”.
That term is used to force submission of the people to the will of the government officials in charge. It is used to take your property and mine for corporate expansion and profit “for the greater good”, through “imminent domain”.
It seems we only own and pay taxes on property until someone else wants to use it for free.
Land owners sacrifice “rights of way” through forced compliance for the transmission of natural gas, and electric for transportation of utilities for corporate benefit to out of state customers “ for the greater good”. Personally, I believe landowners should have the right to deny the encroachment of their property.
I wouldn’t be opposed to renting the needed right of way with an annual adjustment for inflation. Hundreds of thousands of cubic feet of natural gas is transmitted daily through the right of way making the gas company millions daily. Why shouldn’t the landowners benefit as well. I mean the right of land can no longer be used by the landowner.
I apologize as I digress.
However, it’s the same with the government agencies that force your compliance through over regulation.
Looking through the political lenses, I wonder what defines fair or equal? It doesn’t apply to us peasants. For some reason we are not a “special interest group”.
But if we pay the bills, why are we not special?
Well, I have a few “special interest groups” for whom I have great respect.
Our military personnel for the dedication to our security.
Our various police agencies for our protection.
Our first responders for their readiness.
Our medical professionals who provide our health care.
Lloyd Brightwell