Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,
In the September 13, 2023 edition of the Record I read the Commission voted unanimously NOT be transparent in the electronic auditing of revenue generated and expenditures. With NO discussions?
That surely doesn’t give anyone reason to doubt the accuracy and or the conservation of funds paid by the people paying the taxes.
Would the electronic audit show how expensive the DCAA really is?
I don’t want to rain on the Commission’s parade, but what could they be concealing?
Why wouldn’t the Commission want the citizens know how well are doing their jobs with our money.
Haven’t we seen enough skullduggery with funds on the federal level without having pause on the local level? Ladies and gentlemen these are neighbors and to some friends who don’t want you to how YOUR money is managed.
This action could generate suspicion of malfeasance. Defined as “wrongdoing, especially by a public official”.
While I’m not deliberately accusing anyone in particular. However, I am questioning the integrity of the elected officials.
Not one nay vote?
Had I been on the commission there would have one vote to be transparent.
I’ve started writing several letters recently on the antics of our federal agencies and list of characters and have been sidetracked with medical appointments.
My grass was neglected, the vehicles need washed.
Not to mention the tyrant, Gov. Michelle Grisham of New Mexico superseding the U.S. Constitution to which she took an oath to defend. I applaud the citizens of New Mexico for demonstrating against the governor with their firearms. I applaud the sheriff’s stand to protect the rights of law abiding citizens in spite of the tyrant Grisham! She is just grandstanding and using gun issues for fodder to reinforce her democrat standing.
I found several video clips of Obama and Pelosi speechifying about how to confuse the minds of the people through lies , innuendo and propaganda. It is a tactic used effectively and is intended for we the people to Acquiesce to their will.
(Acquiesce definition “accept something reluctantly but without protest”.)
“BAAAAAH” says the sheep.
Question? How are we to trust leaders who would not be truthful, transparent, or keep their oaths? If one can not keep their oath they lie from day one.
To my my favorite organizations I wish to give my appreciation.
Our military for their service.
Our police agencies for their service.
Our first responders for their readiness.
Our medical professionals who keep our health.
Lloyd Brightwell

Dear Editor
I am contacting you as a very concerned citizen. I think something needs to be done about the stop light on us 50 at the Greenwood/Sunny side exit. I live in Oxford, and I use the Sunnyside exit quite often. I have been sitting at the red light waiting to enter onto 50 and have witnessed part of the problem frequently. Semi-trucks that are traveling east come down the hill at a high rate of speed will speed up when the light turns yellow. I have witnessed them barrel thru the stoplight at least 5 seconds after their light has turned red on more than one occasion. Cars coming up from the Greenwood and Sunnyside Exits are headed upward and see the light turn green out of habit will accelerate assuming since the lights are green that traffic has stopped.
There have been several accidents at this stoplight since the beginning of the year. Several fatalities. This exit doesn’t need a stoplight to begin with. There is at no time so much traffic that vehicles entering the highway must sit and wait very long before they can enter US 50. Without the stoplight everyone knows to stop and check both direction before entering. The stoplight gives them a false since of security. I believe the stoplight should be removed. If not, more people are going to die needlessly. Baring the removal of the stoplight officers should be there to enforce the law and ticketing those who fly thru the intersection or use cameras and ticket those who break the law. Something must be done, or else more innocent lives will be lost. The best solution would be the removal of the light. Trucks entering the highway can enter without a long wait. They can regain their convoy once on the highway. The water plant in not functioning at full capacity. How many more lives have to be lost before something is done?