Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

June 6, 2023
Dear Editor,
Last year, I made a prediction that eventually the Democrats were going to say your house is too big, we have too many immigrants and you need to house them because they need a place to live. What this does is remove your freedom to prosper, maintain a standard of living by decree of the government
To be clear, the federal government has not as yet made this proposal, it is the brain phart of the New York City mayor Eric Adams.
I say, “ Mayor! Open your doors first”! Let these interlopers ruin your life. You will have to worry that what you have worked for will be subject to the approval of the new residents.
Once your doors are forced open how do you protect yourself from the will of the federally funded PRIVILEGED? And PRIVILEGED is what these people will become. Some “feel” they deserve special treatment. The federal government is already kissing their behinds.
(I guess that’s one way to counter “white privilege”).
These types of idiotic ideas are contrary to the American Dream. They are brain child of the liberal left.
They, the illegals, (or as prefer to refer to them is Federally Sponsored Interlopers), trashed the hotels with beer cans and uneaten food that was provided to the them free of charge but at the American taxpayers expense. What if they invade your life? Don’t like your food? Only want to watch Hispanic channel? Take over your recliner? How stupid can the officials get?
According Fox News The Catholic church gets $120.00 per day per illegal. For the church it’s a profitable Enterprise.
I’m sorry for the conditions these people have to contend with. But they invaded our country! (Kiss off, AOC.)
I do not believe anywhere in the constitution is the requirement for the American citizens to be responsible for the welfare of invaders.
Nowhere does the constitution require the citizens to give up their sanctuary, privacy or property.
The politicians and their appointees are overreaching on most topics. The problem we the people have, is the law enforcement agencies are so corrupt they neglect to do their jobs. Yes, I’m talking about, the Federal bureau of Investigation, Homeland Security, and Department of Justice. They are so strongly aligned with the Democrat misinformation that we are the criminals.
They still preach the lie of insurrection, invasion of January 6, 2021.
I did not condone the rush on the a Capital nor do I agree with the actions. But the Democrats dignitaries keep calling it insurrection, an invasion. There was only a couple hundred people involved. The invasive force they keep lying about was on armed. I would agree with the Dems if it were an armed force.
The way the Democrats in Congress speak about it, it was worse than September 11, 2011.
They could not accept the respect and recognition of LOCAL law enforcement without throwing January 6, 2021 into the discussion. Who brought up January 6, a democrat congress woman from St. Louis Missouri.
I have watched on Facebook, videos of some of the congressional committee meetings about these issues. It’s appalling!
It is becoming more apparent “WE THE PEOPLE” are being victimized by our supposed leadership for the benefit of people who care not for those imposed upon.
I believe it’s time now to take a stand against the tyranny of people like Eric Adams.
I believe soon Washington will take Eric Adams suggestion to the floor of the democrat Senate. Or President Biden will write an anti American executive order requiring the Federal Census to be evaluated and impose the will of the left to further infringe on taxpayers.
The America I grew up in was simple, you want to eat, you work for it. You want a home you work for it. You want privilege, you earn it.
Crossing a thousand miles and three borders to get here is not the American way.
Earn it.
The “green movement” already wants to impose their will on you for purchasing electric vehicles, remove you gas stoves, gas heating equipment, make you buy “energy efficient“ appliances.
I would not be surprised to hear that some brainiac comes up with a battery powered cook stove or clothes dryer that can charge all night and be ready the next day. This would make our Secretary of Energy happy since she owns controlling interest in a battery manufacturing company.
Well, I can’t do anything alone. Write your Senators and Congressmen and tell them you own your home. You pay your taxes. You earned your privileges. Stop making these Federally Sponsored Interlopers special.
Tell your Congressmen and Senators to represent you.
To our military thank you. The our various police agencies, thank you. To our first responders, thank you. And a special thank you to the medical professionals who have kept me breathing.
Lloyd Brightwell