Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Note: Letters to the Editor may or may not reflect the opinions of this paper. Tammy B. Editor

May 7, 2022

Dear Editor,

I’m hoping some of our leadership will read this so they get an understanding.

Understand the meaning of words and how to use them. Understand their own prejudices against genuine refugees and federally sanctioned interlopers. (Illegal aliens).


/ˌrefyo͝oˈjē/ — noun — a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.”tens of thousands of refugees fled their homes”

The refugees have been forced out of their country because of oppression and war.

in·vad·er — /inˈvādər/ — noun — a person or group that invades a country, region, or other place.”it is a country that has repelled all invaders”

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez doesn’t like calling the illegal aliens invaders. With her education she should be able to read the dictionary.

In Ukraine the Russians have invaded.

The refugees have been forced out of their country because of oppression and war.

Our country is being invaded by illegal aliens from all over the world because of inept authority figures in office.

Do you think they ever read the dictionary?

It’s obvious they haven’t read the constitution to find their responsibility to the electorate.

e·lec·tor·ate — /əˈlekt(ə)rət/ — noun — 1. all the people in a country or area who are entitled to vote in an election.

I think WE the people need to remind our overbearing politicians WE are the boss, not them. Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, Waters, Cortez and any other person in the House of Representatives and the Senate need to be investigated and charged for their illicit activities. A lot of their actions have been contradictory to the will and benefit of WE the people.

Something else these people, the politicians, are not in tune with is they are letting the United States be invaded by who ever comes through the southern border. And some have complained about “Real Refugees “ from Ukraine coming to the United States genuinely in need of help to live and survive.

The Ukrainian refugees need help which I have no problem with helping to provide.

Their migration to escape persecution and worse is real.

The illegals crossing the southern border is false, a lie, an invasion without a purpose.

I call these invaders federally sanctioned interlopers.

I would also charge the political leaders from the president down as conspirators in allowing the federally sanctioned interlopers to continue to migrate illegally. Did you hear last week Alejandro Mayorkas say he “inherited broken policies from the previous administration,” his words. Yet in fifteen months have made no improvement.

What has he been doing for fifteen months? Why have we been paying him?

Only in the upper levels of the federal government can someone get paid for not doing their job and then setup a pretentious Disinformation Governance Board to monitor the dialog of the populous for the verbal expression of opinion.

May 07, 2022

It has been reported the CDC has purchased telephone data for tracking!

What does the CDC need with anyone’s information?

They, the CDC, can monitor, and leak to the highest bidder, everything on your phone.

Where are you now? Where you have been? What are you texting? Have you been on a questionable sight?

Could the CDC accumulated information on you be leaked to an investigator, for a fee, to be used to monitor your activities. Were you with this person? Were you complaining about the Disinformation Governance Board and the CDC can give your conversation to the Disinformation Governance Board.

Something we the people need to understand is if money is involved some people get morally and ethically weak.

The CDC Is an advisory board currently and soon will be part of the federal government, if the CDC can be proven to be of value.

Theoretically the CDC could prove to be of value to the Disinformation Governance Board and Homeland Security Agency because of the availability to personal information on each person.

George Orwell would be proud that he predicted this governmental oversight.

Fertilizer controversy

The CDC has condemned the use owe of sewage sludges as a “fertilizer”.

Most, as well as the CDC, does not tell the whole truth.

The use of sludges from wastewater treatment plants have to meet certain standards before used as a soil amendment.

The treatment of sewage sludge for soil amendments has to be digested with a significant reduction of microbial activity.

The sludges have to be stabilized chemically either by chlorination. Or by lime stabilization to a high ph level in which pathogenic microbes can not survive.

These requirements are usually required by and listed in the NPDES PERMIT (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems permit) issued by the state following the EPA guidelines.

The state water resources officers monitor the permit compliance normally on a monthly bases.

Reports to, the water resources permit, solids management department and state health department for compliance to regulations.

I have been involved with these programs for the land application of municipal sludges. I have seen the results. I have heard the “not in my back yard” arguments.

Each side has its merits.

But, I followed the science and the regulations to produce an acceptable land application rate in tons per acre.

I have seen higher production rates of hay, and corn because of the land application

of municipal sludges.

Let’s think about it logically.

If you agree the use of the barnyard wastes are good for your garden but the use of municipal sludge wastes are not then look at the truth.

First, the barnyard wastes laid on the ground, for days, weeks or even months before it use. No monitoring of stabilization before application.

Second, the wastewater is transported to the wastewater treatment plant.

The sewage solids are usually reduced in organic volume while under aeration. That’s the first process when new sewage comes in contact with activated biomass.

The second stabilization process takes place in the aerated digester.

Essentially the microbes are placed in a confined area where the only source of sustenance is in that confined area. The microbes will feed on any organic materials it can find. Thus stabilization again through creating an environment too harsh living condition for the life support of fecal coliform bacteria. Fecal coliform bacteria is monitored as an indicator organism.

If the fecal coliform bacteria count is low it is presumed pathogens are not present.

Then the aerobically digested material is mixed with hydrated lime to increase the ph from a midrange ph level to a ph of 14 standard units. This is creating an even more harsh environment where microbes can not survive.

The addition lime added for stabilization would also reduce the lime demand for the fuel corn fields for ph requirements.

Now, question, which process is less likely to provide a better soil amendment,

The first static pile prior to land application of barnyard waste or the application of municipal sludges that have gone through at least three processes for stabilization?

If the fertilizer used for the growing of the corn for ethanol to add to gasoline is used to grow food. Then municipal sludges can be substituted for the fertilizer for the growth of fuel corn, a non food crop.

That can ease a little of the fertilizer problem without being a concern for the closed minds of the CDC.

A comparison of the cost for the fuel corn fertilizer and the cost of the land application of municipal sewage sludges for fuel corn should be performed.

An engineering firm could look at this, and may save municipalities tipping fees without sacrificing landfill space and lowering the costs of fuel corn fertilizer.

A byproduct of the fuel corn sludge use for the municipality will reduce the tipping fees at the landfill for sludge disposal.

It’s been a busy Saturday in the news.

So as always, thank you for their service to us by the military,various police agencies,first responders and the medical professionals.

You are the best.

Lloyd Brightwell