
Doddridge County Public Service 

District Meeting 

The DC PSD met at 1:00 P.M. on January 20, 2022 via Conference Call 

Members present: Jennifer Wilt, David Kimball, Herk Conner Others: Eric Coberly, Cathy Trent, and Sheena Hunt

Approval of Minutes: Jennifer Wilt made a motion to table December minutes until next month Dave Kimball seconded. Motion carried

Treasurer’s Report Herk Conner made a motion table report until next month Jennifer seconded. Motion carried.

Accounts Payable


Town of West Union-$179.40

Town of West Union Water/Sewage-$110.77 Clarksburg Water Board-$23.00 IRS-$2,464.34

WV Workforce-$299.00

WV Tax Dept.-$637.00


Core & Main-$221.54

Professional Financial Solutions-$700

Jennifer Wilt made a motion to pay all accounts payable, Herk seconded. Motion carried.

Public comment: No Public comment

Operator’s Update: No operator’s update.

Blandville to West Union Project – Updates and Approvals– Eric Coberly stated Stonegate would be installing a generator for the Blandville Project. Stonegate has all the directional bores completed. Some of the concrete has been poured for the foundation of the tank. Jennifer Wilt made a motion to sign Amendment # 2. Dave Kimball seconded. Motion carried. Jennifer Wilt made motion to pay Requisition #17. Herk Conner seconded. Motion carried. A copy of all amendments and requisitions are kept on file at the DCPSD office.

Oxford Phase I Project – Updates and Approvals: Public Meeting was held on January 22, 2022 at the Oxford Grange. There were not a lot of customers present so we will be having another Public Meeting on February 16, 2022 at 6:00.

Eric Coberly and the Town of West Union’s engineer have been discussing the option of West Union providing water. The Town of West Union is applying for grants to upgrade their water plant, but this will take some time to get processed.

Rt 23/Tarkiln Project – Updates and Approvals: Layout has been finalized for the Rt 23/Tarkiln project. Morgan Haymond will be doing the easement paperwork and David Glover will be providing legal services. DCPSD needs to get easement documentation to Morgan Haymond as soon as possible.

Oxford Phase II Project – Updates and Approvals: No Discussion

New Business

Rusty submitted an estimate of the repairs and tires needed for the truck to Herk Conner and David Kimball. Herk Conner made a motion to get the repairs and tires. David Kimball seconded. Motion carried.

Next meeting will be at the Library at 1:00 January 17, 2022.

Jennifer Wilt made a motion to adjourn. Herk Conner seconded. Meeting adjourned at 2:05.