Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor


Honesty, Integrity, Hard Working, Dependable, Respectful, Reverent, Caring. . . these and similar positive terms used to be what people meant when they used to work character. A person’s character could just as easily contain such attributes as lying, scheming, laziness, cheating, stealing, etc. but people didn’t refer to then as a person of character if they did. Character was a term used to designate a personality who had successfully developed to be benefit to society and contain the necessary attributes for a happy successful life. Character was considered to be something genuine, something a person cold possess as an integral part of themselves.

Ahhh, but the chimera of the modern world where the very meaning of life is up for grabs has changed all that. When children sigh Christmas carols and start snickering at ‘Now we don our gay apparel’ we tend to laugh along, but the joke is on us. I was given an inkling of how much the meaning of Character has changed over the recent Christmas holiday. My young niece was busy with a colored pencil near my father’s feet. “What’s that you’re drawing?” he asked her. “I’m making a list of Characters Attributes”, she responded. My niece’s new potential stepdad is a professional wrestler and the character he portrays is called “Mark of Death”. Sounds like a hitman’s name a little doesn’t it? Anyway, his character is an owned property of an agency and he’s the actor who portrays their character. As an owned property his character is being pimped out as a character in a video game too. He is flattered they’re making it look as much like him as possible. Each of these owned characters must have special attributes from which the construction of a fake identity is realized. These observations have led me to the speculations below as to what the nature of Character may resemble in the not-so-distant future.

NOW!!! From the world of professional wrestling, we bring you Transgender Bender a new character owned and managed by the Upyers Agency. Upyers confirmed in a press release they have chosen an individual to personify the character. He, she, it will properly be referred to as Noid, an endearing term derived from the word humanoid, to make a clear distinction from their other recently introduced character Psycho-Borg the maladjusted mutant, the raging beast that know no bounds. You’ll thrill as the gore as Psycho-Borg rips huge chunks of flesh from his opponentsand tosses them into the audience. Professional wrestling has never been more graphic, except when Transgender Bender gets down and dirty with the referee and the free for all fun follows.

But you can’t have a character you can own, control, manage and mark- er without Attributes of Character. Attributes of Character are the DNA of patentable characters. Is the Fugyew Agency infringing on the rights of Upyers when they market a character called Gender-Ender who also starts free-for-alls by attacking the referee. . . and is the Pizoff Group’s character Anti-Fa-la-la (the fruitcake terrorist tag team) infringing on Upyers’s Psycho-Borg AND Transgender-Bender rights when they rip out the referee’s private parts and fling them into the audience, start a stampede and general looting melee?

These are the kind of weighty questions our society will have to ask as we desperately look for viable characters to portray. ‘Mindless-Dweeb- Drone’ has already been taken as well as ‘Super-Slayer-Sex-Goddess’ so move along now if you’re looking for ‘meaning’ to portray.

‘Escaped-Genius-Gringo-Grande’, Dale Michels.

Dear Editor,

I read an article in the Clarks- burg Exponent Telegram concern- ing the former sheriff of Doddridge County.

It is dishearting to read of the people in positions of authority and responsibility misusing the trust of the people they are supposed to represent.

Why would anyone deliberately take advantage of the position of trust.

I suppose it will be up to a jury to decide. For now people are pre- sumed innocent until proven guilty. If guilty this will throw more suspi- cion on our uniformed friends.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has proposed cancellation of student loans. I wonder if she has student loans. If so, I wonder if her loans are included in the forgiveness for being educated. Notice I say edu- cated, not smart or intelligent.

I do not think it fair that indi- viduals with no means for further education who were not fortunate enough to go beyond high school should be forced to pay for the more fortunate who went beyond Grade 12. My parents were poor. That meant no college.

President Joe Biden, (Let’s Go Brandon) claimed the betterment’s of the economy.

He’s so full of Obama’s male bovine excrement. Obama claimed for eight years the economy was growing because of his policies.

The truth of the increases in the .6 percent to 1.8 percent monthly growth during the Obama years was because we the tax paying consumer adjusted our lives and expenditures to accommodate the poor economic growth.

We, not he, made the the econo- my grow through determination to survive.

Are you listening Bette Mid- ler? By the way the abbreviation for West Virginia is WV not WVa. And West Virginians are illiterate bumpkins?

President Joe Biden, thinks along the same warped mind set as Obama. The truth escapes him as well.

Our adjusting to the poor poli- cies is the only reason there is any positives.

All Brandon can claim is man- dates for vaccines.

He has lied about not knowing the omicron variant was coming. We had the reports from Africa about this variant months ago.

Did you see Biden in the White House speaking in front of the win- dows showing the port full of ship- ping containers. What a farce!!

When did the mayor of D.C. allow the storage of shipping con- tainers on the White House lawn?

Can you imagine the container ships coming up the Potomac Riv- er. You have to laugh.

Now he, King Biden, says he would run again in 2024. I don’t believe Democrat’s are foolish enough to give this clown a second term.

What would he run on?

Curing cancer? He promised to cure cancer. I haven’t heard of any progress with that.

He promised all of America would be vaccinated by July 4, 2021? He did report saving $.16 for you BBQ.

He promised to eliminate covid 19. We now have two variants since he took office.

He promised during his pres- idential campaign no mandates. Then mandated vaccination.

Can he run on Afghanistan? That was a flop. Although, Hilary had Benghazi and she ran.
Has he improved the energy independence? Shutting down the Keystone pipeline should really help his campaign for 2024. He shut down progress, energy independence and bunches of jobs.

If I were a liberal Democrat I may think he would have a chance in 2024.

And the list goes on and on.

(I was entertaining a liberal a while back.

I had a bowl of Twix candy bars, both left and rights bars.

That liberal would only take the left Twix. (That’s dedication.)

He said it tasted similar to his beliefs and political convictions.

They are soft, met his desire for satisfaction and someone else paid for them.)

The pharmaceutical companies are rolling out untried pills for covid and the variant.

How are we to know it is safe? The USDA approved the pills too quickly.

If taken and side effects are realized we are on our own. You can not sue for ill affects or negative reactions. Remember if sanctioned by the USDA the pharmaceutical companies are exempt from repercussions.

If the effects of the vaccines were publicized, the vaccines may not be deemed safe.

Too much pressure to take the vaccines have forced the people to potentially jeopardize ourselves for political optics.

I was talking to a friendly individual who was complaining of poltergeists at their house.

They said after a particularly hard day, they sat down on the couch and fell asleep.

Soon after falling asleep, the Upholstery poltergeist made a strange, loud growling sound that caused an abrupt and frightful awakening.

Darn Upholstery poltergeist! I explained that my couch was haunted as well.

To our military protectors of freedom thank you.

To the good people providing protection through the law, thank you.

To the first responders thank you.

Our medical professionals deserve a hearty thank you as well.

To all, happy New Year. Lloyd Brightwell