Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

  I’ve waited a couple weeks to write this thinking I would cool off and it wouldn’t seem as dire. But thinking about it today still upset me!

     So to make a long story short on Wed. Oct. 6th, my husband was doing some home repairs. While trying to remove a nail from the side of the house with a hammer & chisel he badly injured his finger. So the first thing I did was call Ritchie County Medical Center asking if I could bring him in so they could see if he needed stitches and I was told no! Take him to UHC Emergency Room. To think that Ritchie County Medical Center received grants to establish a clinic her.  For what??  Seriously?  Well if anyone knows my husband they know that wasn’t going to happen. (Especially with COVID being so rampant).  So I then think I’ll call Doddridge County Medical Center. When they answered I explained the situation and was promptly told they were too booked that day to see him. Mind you this is an EMERGENCY!  I doubt a single person sitting in that waiting room would have objected to an elderly man, who came in, bleeding being seen first. Do You?

     So FYI if you have an emergency do not think you can depend on being treated in Doddridge County.

     This to me is a sad, sad situation!


                                                                             Linda L. Bonnell


We enjoyed cell phone coverage through BOOST who bought their bandwidth through T-Mobile. There was excellent reception due to the T-MOBILE tower on Water Tower hill overlooking West Union. I also had internet service through the T- MOBILE tower via another reseller.

 Recently T-MOBILE was purchased by SPRINT. Usually in the world of corporate consolidation the purchaser wants to get the most out of their acquisition. But SPRINT does things differently.  My internet provider was thrown into a chaotic transition along with all of T-MOBILE’s other resellers. Apparently, it was Parana feeding time, they had to wait to be contacted by SPRINT independent sales reps and weigh the ‘offers’ the proffered.  My internet service ended up zooming up in price, so I had to drop it. 

The other day we got a call from ‘ T- MOBILE’ about changes to our BOOST service… They asked for our zip code. The operator, who sounded like she was calling from a Chinese call center, the said… Not able to provide service to your area ‘because of COVID’!

This sounded suspicious… as all “because of COVID’ excuses do, so I asked the operator if she was calling from SPRINT, to which she answered ‘Yes”. I told her, I’m looking through my window at the T-MOBILE tower that SPRINT purchased, what do you mean you can’t provide service?… I’m talking to you NOW over that tower!

“Because of COVID” the Chinese call center drone repeated. Apparently, SPRINT does not have any independent sales reps. Serving the West Union area…because of COVID. I tried to reason with the caller but all I got was a parroting of the phrases she was taught by rote. ‘What’s your zip code’… which I gave out to her three times… ‘Not able to provide service, because of COVID’… the other bit of pigeon, English regurgitated numerous times until I felt sick and had to hang up.

Apparently lack of independent sales reps and cutting off of services should be listed as the latest ‘symptoms’ of COVID, along with rigged elections, censored media and a host of other ‘symptoms and side effects’ of the China Virus.  Most frightening of all… you can suffer these symptoms whether you ger a shot or NOT.

Staying healthy in a world infected by lies and stupidity,

                                                                                         Dale Michels.