
DC BOE Regular/ Working/ Policy Review Meeting

(Thursday, October 15, 2020)

Members present: Chad Evans, Denver Burnside, Laura Cottrill (by phone), Angie Curran, Justin Holtz

Others In Attendance:  Ken Heiney, Jeff Harvey, Matt Alexander

Meeting called to order at 5:02 PM

1. Opening Items

A. Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by President Burnside at 5:02 p.m.

B. Invocation: The Invocation was led by Superintendent Cheeseman.

C. Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Angie Curran.

D. Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda. Motion by Angie Curran, second by Laura Cottrill. Final Resolution: Motion Carried Aye: Chad Evans, Denver Burnside, Laura Cottrill, Angie Curran, Justin Holtz

2. Presentations

3. Delegations

4. Reports

A. Superintendent’s Update: Superintendent Cheeseman updated the Board on the October student enrollment of 1,099 and an upcoming announcement by City Net for wireless and broadband to the entire county is scheduled for Monday, October 19th here at the board office/athletic facility with state and local dignitaries in attendance.

B. Adjourn to Executive Session: Motion to adjourn to executive session for legal matters at 5:07 p.m. Motion by Laura Cottrill second by Justin Holtz. Final Resolution: Motion Carried Aye: Chad Evans, Denver Burnside, Laura Cottrill, Angie Curran, Justin Holtz

Motion to return to regular session at 5:21 p.m.

Motion by Angie Curran, second by Justin Holtz. Motion Carried Aye: Chad Evans, Denver Burnside, Laura Cottrill, Angie Curran, Justin Holtz

Motion to move the previously scheduled October 20, 2020 board meeting to Monday, October 19th at 11:30 a.m. to discuss the Early Learning Facility. Motion by Laura Cottrill, second by Justin Holtz. Motion Carried

Aye: Chad Evans, Denver Burnside, Laura Cottrill, Angie Curran, Justin Holtz

5. Consent Agenda

A. Approval of Consent Agenda: Motion to approve the consent agenda items:

1. October I, 2020 Minutes

2. Student Request #21-R-58

  Motion by Justin Holtz, second by Angie Curran. Final Resolution: Motion Carried Aye: Chad Evans, Denver Burnside, Laura CottriIl, Angie Curran, Justin Holtz

6. Unfinished Business

7. New Business

8. Personnel

A. Personnel Addendum: Recommend a motion to approve the Personnel Addendum as presented: Resignations of Kendra Primm, Itinerant Special Education Aide – DCMS, Amy Goff, Substitute Cook,

Corey Jordan, Bus Operator – Virtual Student Feeding Program;

Employment of Bobby Corley, Bus Operator Bus #18,

Christina Richards, Itinerant Special Education Aide DCMS,

Clayton Lagasse Weightlifting Coach – DCMS/DCHS,

Rollen “Rusty” Nicholson, Bus Operator Virtual Student Feeding Program, Colby Siders, Jennifer Chipps, and Chayna Trent, Substitute Teachers; Leave of Absence request of Lisa Stemple, 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher – DCMS. Motion by Laura Cottrill, second by Angie Curran.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried Aye: Chad Evans, Denver Burnside, Laura Cottrill, Angie Curran, Justin Holtz

9. Informational Items

A. Upcoming Board Meeting Dates

10. Executive Session

11. Board Members Comments

12. Closing Items

A. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:32 p.m. Motion by Justin Holtz, second by Laura Cottrill. Final Resolution: Motion Carried Aye: Chad Evans, Denver Burnside, Laura Cottrïll, Angie Curran, Justin Holtz