

By Van Yandell
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” — John 14:27
Isn’t this a perfect, wonderful world we live in? The entire world is at peace. Everyone has everything they want and need. All are healthy, wealthy, and wise. No one wants for anything but a little more time.
What nonsense, this never has been and never will be a perfect world! There is no perfect world for anyone. Even the rich have their troubles and problems. Many of the greatest of the great athletes, statesmen and other rich and famous suffer from illnesses, anxiety, and depression. The poor want a piece of the pie and the rich live in fear someone is going to take their slice of the pie from them.
Most of us, if we could wave our magic wand, would create a utopia for the entire earth and everyone would live happily ever after. So much for fairy tales! We know such a world as it exists is not possible.
Those that have promoted such a utopia to get elected to office, sooner or later realized, “Someone has to pay for this!” When the people are taxed into poverty to sustain the others, any incentive to work and better oneself is taken away. The result is a third world condition for everyone.
We live in a world in which many sleep on a dirt floor every night with no pillow. They can only hope for a morsel of rice or beans to fill their empty stomach and would trade their first-born for an opportunity to improve their life. They have worn the same clothes for the last two years and have to shave their heads to deter the lice. Many have stomach worms that take what little nourishment they manage to find.
They have no hopes and dreams because there is no opportunity for them to improve their quality of life. Diseases are a way of life. Life expectancy is short compared to the industrialized free world. Quality of life is always in the minus column and the greatest hope many have is a little food and a pair of shoes.
Most of these live in countries in which there is an oppressive government that takes everything from them and returns only a meager sustenance. The totalitarian governments are not about the people; they’re only about the hierarchy. The higher echelon regards the people as their servants; worthless and expendable.
Over the years in American politics (and other countries as well), statesmen have promised such things as prosperity for everyone, opportunities, and that utopian lifestyle, many strive for. All have fallen flat on their faces and many, sooner or later, saw them for what they really were: wolves in sheep’s clothing and bare-faced liars that would say anything to get a vote.
Those making impossible promises establish platforms based on an impressive slogan that many fall for. Such slogans as “Keep cool with Coolidge,” or “I like Ike,” or “Hope and Change,” sounded really good but said absolutely nothing specific.
Throughout history, many leaders sought to create this perfect world. “A chicken in every pot” was a hope (and slogan) of Herbert Hoover but has actually been traced back to Henry IV.
Lyndon Johnson promoted “The Great Society.” This initiative was an effort to end poverty and end racial injustice. While his intentions may have been good, we know from recent history, it did not work because the hatred, poverty and racism is as bad (or worse) than it has been since the civil war. Most attempts to lift up a particular people group ultimately result in dragging another down.
The more that politicians and the media promote equality, love and diversity, the deeper they drive a wedge between the peoples of varying colors, ethnic and socio-economic classes.
Is there such a thing as a perfect world paradise on this earth? With eight billion people, hundreds of races, colors, and ethnic origins, it’s not likely. People are continuing to teach their children to hate those not like them. Many religions of the world teach that God loves them more than all the others, and the rest are damned into eternal torment. To divide the people of the world appears to be a goal of many groups and religions are high on the list of perpetrators.
Several leaders of once prosperous countries have attempted to initiate this perfect society. They have all miserably failed because they did not consider who would finance this perfect world they envisioned. While their intentions are sometimes good, the methods they employ are doomed for failure.
I find it interesting Jesus said, “For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always.” Matthew 26: 11. He realized this world is not perfect and never would be as long as human emotion had such a powerful influence.
Deuteronomy 15:11 “For the poor will never cease to be in the land; therefore, I command you, saying, ‘You shall freely open your hand to your brother, to your needy and poor in your land.” The Old Testament told us the poor would always be and the “haves” should help the “have nots.” Many have found when they’ve tried to lift up a people group, the benefactor has ultimately been pulled down or the result was the creation of dependency.
Caution must be taken in helping others. A “hand-up” and not a “hand-out” seems to be a workable philosophy. Habitat for Humanity has that philosophy and to lift people up and has worked in many cases.
In my attempt to organize this article, I have realized, the only way to embrace that perfect society is spiritually. Jesus was asked, “What is the first and greatest commandment?” Matthew 22: 37-39 “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like unto it: Love your neighbor as yourself.”
This article title is “The Idealist Ideal Idealism.” If presented in the form of a question, the answer simply is, “It does not exist on this earth and likely never will.”
However, there is a place where it does exist. John 14: 1-3 “Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” And that is the Idealists Ideal Idealism!