Weekly Features

TheWeekly Shaman by Chris Friend

The version of the Christmas spider I liked was the one that involved the holy family trying to escape Herod’s soldiers, Who were sent out to kill them. Mary , Joseh, and the christ child see a cave and chose it for shelter there. But Herod’s army soon came looking for them. A magical spider begins to weave a web over the entrance way, chompletely covering it. As the soldiers see the cave covered in cob web the assume that no one had entered there in years and allowed the Holy Famiy to escape into Egypt. And so, it goes. 

Pere Foulette French for Father Whipper

The trees are frosted by the light of the winter moon 

The dark elf follows Saint Nicholas during his Yuletide travels

With the vengeful spirit leaving switches to punis the children

of the godless and sinful

As darkness swallows the world.