
September 11th, 2001: 

September 11th, 2001:
Deuteronomy 4:9 “Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons’ sons.”
Being forgetful is certainly not a virtue. Forgetting can cost us money, friendships, trust, and for sure, the keeping of important commitments or appointments.
Perhaps we remember those things that are important to us and forget the others. For Americans to forget what happened September 11th, 2001, creates an outcome for us that few, if anyone, will be happy with.
We don’t like to think about the fact that we have enemies, but we do! When our president ordered the invasion of Kuwait and the expelling of Saddam Hussain’s occupation army in that country, a war began that will last for many years and may not end until Jesus returns.
Middle Easterners saw the invasion as an attack on their holy lands and their way of life. Regardless of who is to blame, this battle that began 4000 years ago is once again happening (Genesis 17).
During the few months after the terrorist attack, America was united as not so since Pearl Harbor. Songs and books were written, movies made and the entire death encapsulated event became a rallying cry for freedom and democracy. Americans were united as never before.
The feeling was reminiscent of the war machine that was activated at the beginning of World War II. American pride was at a high point in history.
In the meantime, over the last twenty-two years, the social and moral structure of America has done a complete about face. It quickly became evident there was a faction in the country bent on destruction rather than being united against the enemies of America. War has been declared on the freedom that once united us.
It also became apparent many of those enemies were within rather than without. This division became more and more polarized as the years passed. The differences were more than simple political ideologies but the separation between the philosophies quickly reached the point of extreme.
Suddenly it became apparent America had forgotten the significance of being united. The enemies of America sought to divide and conquer. It became “slap-in-the-face” obvious the enemies were succeeding and many were not even aware of what was happening. The result became a weakening of America. Because of a declining intellect of the population, many became adamant and obstinate of their political, religious and cultural views. Proverbs 12: 15 “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes.”
Views of what America should be became so excessive that many saw violence as an alternative. Threats against opposing political opinions became commonplace and the road to destruction was paved and the yellow lines were all erased.
Terrorists attacks in America and the world have become so common and numerous, many do not even lift their heads when another one emerges. When we begin to take such occurrences as normal we begin to self-destruct.
The enemy’s methodology is to divide us, make us apathetic and complacent; make us forget and make us accept certain actions as normal. Survival may be possible under these attitudes but wait until the terrorists become nuclear capable.
There are now believed to be over 15,000 nuclear warheads in existence. Eleven countries possess those bombs and the terrorists are in a constant effort to secure one or more of those. If entire cities and their populations are vaporized, we’ll “sing a different tune.”
The acceptance of “normal,” has become a rallying cry of the enemies of America. Those practices as described as an abomination in the scriptures are not normal and must be categorized as such.
While we forget, rationalize and underestimate, the enemy is plotting and planning the next attack. If we forget and let down our guard, we pay the price. The thinking “this will all work out” is simple minded and dangerous.
Yes, we are being deceived and lulled into a state of complacency. Incremental conditioning works and so does brain-washing and actions designed to convince people of an opposing point of view.
Matthew 24: 4 “Watch out that no one deceives you. Many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many.” This passage of scripture which is a direct quote of Jesus, is not a simple prophesy pertaining to only religion. Being deceived can happen politically, economically and in the setting of our priorities and values.
If we forget the basic concepts of human interaction, societal standards and ethical boundaries, we can easily be misled.
The change in attitudes and values since the 9-11 terrorist attack of twenty-two years ago leaves us vulnerable. To be an American and stand for freedom as designed by our nation’s founders is imperative for survival.
When the church forgets Jesus as the focal point of the church, the deceivers will have won. We must not forget the 9-11 terrorist attacks and we must not forget that the church and our faith is all about Jesus. When we forget, we become susceptible to the terrorist and wiles of Satan, the greatest deceiver.
“The Church” consists of all the true believer-followers of Christ Jesus and divisions within that body are not helping this already critical scenario. Denominationalism addresses topics that have NOT the slightest effects on one’s eternal destination.
Eternal salvation is by a faith based belief in Christ Jesus, crucified for the remission of sin and resurrected. Opinions on minor matters beyond that scriptural truth are erroneous at best.
I well remember driving into New York City at 2 a.m., a few nights after the twin towers came down. Seeing the Statue of Liberty in the light from the city and the smoke billowing off the rubble, I thought, “Our world is changed forever.” But I had not a clue the change in the people and the political agendas that would surface over the following years.
We were working in a feeding kitchen with a disaster relief unit. Over the next few weeks the surreal atmosphere in New York seemed to subside slightly. Unfortunately, over the next few years, so did the memories of the disaster.
An even greater disaster is the falling away from the church and our precious Jesus. If Christians do not tell the world about Him, no one will. The teachings of Christianity set the standards of human behavior and the world has obviously forgotten.
Hebrews 3: 12 “Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God.” The falling away from God may be ongoing in any given church and the members are not aware.
1 Timothy 4: 1 Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.”
It must be a priority with every Christian to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with this godless world in which we live. If we forget 9-11, the American tragedy has just begun. If we forget Jesus, an eternal tragedy is certain.
Matthew 28: 18 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” The Bible does not say, two percent of you; or fifty percent. It speaks to all Christians!
Van Yandell part of the Bible Connection series.