

The Memorial Bench & Tree Program offers donors the opportunity to purchase a bench or choose from a variety of trees to plant in memory of their loved one or celebrate a milestone in the family.  Celebrate births, anniversaries or any other significant events you wish by commemorating it with a tree or bench.

You may select the specific location for your bench donation.  You may also request a specific area within the park; however, the bench’s exact location will be determined by park staff based on the needs of the park. Typical areas to place benches are in the Central Commons area, around the 4-H Council Circle, near playgrounds and along walking paths.  

Donors may also choose from a variety or trees to plant in memory of their loved one. Varieties may include pine, oak, dogwood, willow, maple or other tree native to the area.  Choices or trees must be approved by the Park Commission. Trees are planted at County parks or trails. The Park Commission and the donor work together to find the right place for the tree, ensuring proper irrigation and maintenance. 

These donations help us enhance our parks and open space with items the Park Commission might not otherwise be able to afford.

Arrangements for tree or bench donations or other donations / contributions can be made through the Friends of Doddridge County Parks Endowment.  Contact Greg Cottrill at 304-873-1663 for more information.