

   The Levy has been a source funding for the Health Department, Doddridge County Park, Doddridge County Library, and Doddridge County Extension Office for over 30 years. During that time, it helped support day to day operations, as it was able, due to limited funding it generated. In the last few years, as funding increased agencies have been investing in new programs, providing new opportunities for residents and handling long postponed maintenance. Support of the Levy allows these agencies to continue to expand upon they provide to the residents of Doddridge County.


   Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program –This program is a comprehensive program that provides early detection, screening, referral, and treatment services for breast and cervical cancers with a special emphasis placed on participation of older women who are of low income, uninsured, underinsured, or of a minority status.

   Community Health Promotion -This program includes activities with assessing and reporting community health needs to improve health status, facilitate community partnerships including the community’s priority health needs. The methods are developed to mobilize the community around identified priorities and monitoring the progress of community health educational services. Community partners once assessment is completed with collaborate together to meet the priority needs that present in that needs assessment survey.

   Diabetes Education– Through this program nurse can teach the patient proper diet as well as what diabetes really means. Teaching proper procedures for checking blood sugars and administering their own insulin

Epidemiology- This program includes collection of information used to prevent diseases and other health problems including surveillance, disease investigation, follow up and education, outbreak education, prevention and control. The analysis and interpretation of the data collected  leads to a plan to prevent and/or stop the spread of communicable disease.

  Environmental Health Services –  This program includes activities to protect the community from environmental health risks including issuing permits; inspection of  housing, institutions, recreational facilities, sewage and wastewater facilities, inspection and sampling of drinking water facilities, restaurants, and responding to outbreaks and disasters.   

   Family Planning Services-  This is a comprehensive program to prevent pregnancy , provide pregnancy testing and counseling, provide assistance to achieve pregnancy, provide basic infertility services, provides STD services and other preconception health services.

Home Health Services-Through this program homebound clients under a Dr’s care with a Dr’s order can receive skilled services in their home for physical therapy and skilled nursing services

   HIV Counseling and testing-This program provides education, counseling, testing, and linkage to care for cases, contacts, or suspects with HIV/AIDS.

   Hypertension Management– Through this program the blood pressure as well as medication compliance is monitored and a record kept of this monitoring  for client to take to physician when they go.

Immunization Program -Through this program vaccinations for prevention of childhood and adult diseases are available. Education is done on the immunizations, the vaccination schedule, what to watch for and what to do if a complication occurs.

   School Health– Through this program the Superintendent, School Board, teachers work in collaboration with the Health Department for the best possible health outcomes for students in whatever the situation may be. This collaboration contributes to personal healthcare, health education, and the maintenance and/or improvement of the physical and social environment

    Sexually Transmitted Disease– Through this program examination and testing are done to diagnose sexually transmitted disease. Counseling on how to prevent STDs is done whether results are positive or negative on how to avoid STDs in the future. If positive medications are given for treatment. Follow up is done with contacts to be sure they come in be tested also. Services provided are education, screening, diagnosis, and treatment of a case

   Threat/Emergency Preparedness-This program includes activities aimed at assuring and effective health and medical response to disasters and emergencies. This includes development and maintenance of a public health All Hazards Plan and Continuity of Operations Plan, establishment and preservation of partnerships with other responders within the community and region as well as state partners to work together to address whatever the event is.

   Tuberculosis Program– This program provides services to diagnosis, treat,  and/or evaluate a client classified as a tuberculosis case, contact or suspect and  testing and evaluation of populations at risk.