
Town of West Union — Official April and May Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting

March 9, 2020

Lions Club Building, Court St, West Union, WV. 26456

   Meeting was called to order by Mayor James D. Friend @ 6:05 PM.

   Present: Mayor James Friend, Council Members: E. John Barker, Mark Younkin, Myla Thorpe, and Colby Jett, City Clerk: Amberly Taylor, Patrolman: Eric Flevaris, and Christopher Garner, Plant Employee: David Carroll, Plant Operator Doug Cox

   Guests: James Brannam, Roy Gray, Jim Musgrave, Rose Musgrave, Sheena Hunt, Victoria Gains, Dorothy Pigott, Gregory Schillace.

   Prayer: A moment of silence was observed.

   Pledge: Led by Mayor Friend

   Approval of Minutes: February 10, 2020 corrected minutes, Approval- Mark Younkin, 2nd by John Barker, unanimous approval. January 13, 2020 minutes- Approval- John Barker, 2nd Colby Jett, unanimous approval

   Approval of invoices: Mark Younkin made a motion to approve the invoices. Colby Jett seconded the motion. Unanimous approval

   Police Report: Chris Garner gave police reporting stating there was a total of 29 Citations written for the past month.

   Public Comment- Victoria Gains- Director of the public library stated that she appreciates the Town Police patrolling in and around the library.   There has been suspicious activity and some possible drug activity inside the library and with the police patrolling and checking the library they will keep this kind of activity away from patrons and children who visit the library.

   Dottie Pigott- Stated that they now have a beautiful Library and the downstairs offers a warm inviting place to hide and she is very thankful for Town Police helping keep it a safe place for the youth to be.

Jim Musgrave- Announced the Solid Waste Authority will be at the Old West Union Grade School on Thursday at 6PM and will be discussing recycling for anyone who wishes to attend.


   Region VI- Sheena Hunt: Requisition #36:The total payment for Requisition is $65,183.94. Mark Younkin made a motion to approve requisition #36. John Barker seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.

   New Business:

   Lindsey Ferguson: Not Present

   Greg Schillace: Mark Younkin made motion to go into executive session at 6:23 PM- John Barker 2nd motion- unanimous approval

6:48 PM- Mark Younkin made the motion to exit executive session, John Barker 2nd motion-unanimous approval.

   Mark Younkin made the motion to offer David Bowyer $2500.00 as a settlement for the claim. Colby Jett 2nd- unanimous approval.

   James Brannam- Stated in the first part of February Sewer backed up and blew the cap off of his clean out. He came to the Town Office a got a copy of the sewer map to determine where the line ran. He had a plumbing company come out from Clarksburg they ran a snake approximately 120 ft and still didn’t reach he block. They returned the next day and ran a larger snake approximately 177 ft, when they reached the clog. According to the map the sewer line runs off his property at approximately 80ft. The   Total plumbing bill is $672.04. He wanted to know if the Town would help cover part of the bill. Mark Younkin made a motion to investigate and let the Mayor make a motion on how much to pay out. Colby Jett 2nd the motion- Unanimous approval.

   Budget Revisions- Amberly Taylor presented Budget Revisions for the current year. Myla Thorpe made the motions to accept the budget revisions, Mark Younkin 2nd motion- Unanimous approval

   Old Business:

   ATV Ordinance- 3rd and final reading- Mark Younkin made the motion to approve the ATV ordinance, Colby Jett 2nd the motion- Unanimous approval.


   Myla Thorpe made a motion to go into executive session at 7:12PM for    the next 3 items on the agenda. Mark Younkin 2nd the motion- Unanimous approval.

   At 7:45 Mark Younkin made the motion to exit executive session, John Barker 2nd motion- Unanimous approval.

   David Carroll- Motion was made to grant a .50 cent raise and July COLA raise. Council wants to check on the 3rd week of vacation to be decided at a later date and David is required to obtain his Class 1 waste water permit within a year Myla Thorpe made the motion, John Barker 2nd the motion- Unanimous Approval

    Maintenance Supervisor Applications- Mark Younkin made the motion that the hiring committee- Mayor James D. Friend, Myla Thorpe, and Amberly Taylor do the interviewing an hiring. Colby Jett 2nd motion- Unanimous Approval.

   Chief of Police- Mark Younkin made the motion to table until next meeting to see if Patrolman Brandon Smith gets into the academy. Motion was 2nd by John Barker- Unanimous approval.

   Colby Jett made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:14 PM, John Barker seconded the motion- Unanimous approval.

Special Meeting

March 23, 2020

Lions Club Building, 178 Court St, West Union, WV 26456

    Meeting was called to order by Mayor James D. Friend @ 6:02 PM.

   Present: Mayor James Friend, Council Members: Mark Younkin, Myla Thorpe, and Colby Jett. Recorder: Melody Gray

   Guests: Amberly Taylor

   Prayer: A moment of silence was observed.

   Pledge: Led by Mayor Friend.

New Business:

     Budget Approval: This is just for General Funds. The budget is projected based on the 2% property tax from the county for city limits, funds from the state, utility taxes, and business license. Plus, the money from tickets being written helped increase the funds to be dispersed. It was around $170,000 last year and this year it will be around $225,000. After looking at the breakdown on the budget, Mark Younkin made a motion to approve the budget. Colby Jett seconded the motion. Unanimous approval. 


 Dave Carroll- Vacation Time: Mr. Carroll is wanting an extra week of vacation. After 10 years you get 3 weeks. He has a total of that with working for the Town 2 separate times. Myla Thorpe said that in 2014 he quit without a notice. She doesn’t want to set the Town up for others who do the same to except the same treatment. The Mayor said he talked to him and there was a little bit of a misunderstanding. The Town really doesn’t have and approved Employee handbook. Mayor said he will work hard when needed too. He does need to take the Operator’s class and pass it.    After more discussion, Mark Younkin Made a motion to approve the 3rd week of vacation but he would need to take the class and pass it. Colby seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mark Younkin and Colby Jett approving the motion. Myla Thorpe opposed the motion.

   Colby Jett made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mark Younkin seconded the motion. Unanimous approval. Meeting adjourned at 6:29 PM.

Annual Budget Meeting

April 21,2020

City Building, West Union, WV 26456

   Meeting was called to order by Mayor James D. Friend at 6:00 PM.

   Present: Mayor Friend. Council Members: Mark Younkin, Colby Jett, Myla Thorpe and Glenn Stout. Recorder: Melody Gray

   Guest: Amberly Taylor, City Clerk

   Prayer: A moment of silence was observed

   Pledge: Led by Mayor Friend

New Business: 

   Annual Budget- Laying of Levy: Amberly said this is what the State and County set for us. After all, looked at the Levy Order and there were no questions, Mark Younkin made a motion to approve the Levy. Glenn Stout seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.

   Colby Jett made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Glenn Stout seconded that motion. Unanimous approval.

Meeting was adjourned @6:04 PM.