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Commission Meeting — March 17, 2020

   The Doddridge County Commission meeting on March 17 was called to order by Ronald Travis, President, at 6:02 PM, after Clinton Means lead the prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

   The minutes to the last meeting were approved as presented.

Commissioner Travis signed a grant extension requested by Greg Cottrill, Director DC Parks. Cottrell, also, reported on the Park Board’s decisions on running the Park during COVID-19, e.g., closing the buildings for meetings, closing the Lone Pine Campgrounds, and not allowing overnight groups. (The complete list is on the DC Park’s website.)

  Sharon Kesserling, American Red Cross, reported on activities of the WV Red Cross noting they assisted 1,043 families, installed 6,641 free smoke alarms, served 3,595 students in the pillowcase Project, provided 1,571 services to military, assisted 23,868 people in health and safety, and collected 35,815 units of blood.

   She requested a $2,500 grant from the Commission for FY 20/21.

   She noted that blood supplies were becoming very low and asked if peo   ple would  make an appointment to donate blood.

   The Region IV – Fair Housing Resolution was approved without discussion.

   Beth Kellar, Chief Financial Clerk, requested approval to move a $50,000 CD to the Capital Reserve account. She explained this CD was a paperwork problem and was not earning interest. The request was approved.  

   Purchase of a new Animal Control vehicle was tabled.

   George Eidel, OEMS Director and Floodplain Manager, requested the purchase of an all-in-one printer for $3,450. His request was approved.

   Eidel then presented the 2018 grant for Emergency Management for $25,682, which pays part of his salary. His request was approved.

    As OEMS director, Eidel talked about different meetings he had attended, and went on to report that there had been one complaint about a possible illegal use of property in a floodplain.  On investigation, he found that it was a lay down yard for First Energy, had issued a stop work order due to the lack of an approved permit, and subsequently, First Energy filed the appropriate paperwork.

According to Eidel he was collecting the information and materials that may be needed from the various VFDS and Emergency providers in the County related to COVID-19.

The DCAA Financial Report was given by Travis as follows:  The Primary Account balance is $117,584.95; The Fund balance is $301,436.01 (includes $120, 358.35 payment from insurance), and the income was $17,639.33.

Beth Kellar presented two budget revisions:  $3,765 from the Reimbursements account to the Sheriffs Tax Office account, and $10,000 from Reimbursements account to the Extension Office account to cover part time employee salaries. Both were approved.

Two exonerations were presented and approved, and no probates were presented.

Discussion about a Special Meeting to be held before March 22 to establish the County Plan for COVID-19 resulted in a meeting being set for March 20 at 9:00 AM.   

Elected officials and County employees in attendance included: County Clerk Catee Slater, Chief Financial Clerk Beth Rogers, DC Parks Director Greg Cottrill, OEMS Director and Floodplain Manager George Eidel, and Assistant Prosecutor Betsy Shaw.