Weekly Features


In early February I wrote on the Celtic goddess Brighid and her Catholic counterpart Saint Brighid to most sources the Celtic goddess was so popular that the church could vilify the popular figure and made her into a saint. When Scottish and Irish indentured servants came to Haiti, they brought the popular character with them. As with most saints brought to the Caribbean, they became blended with the various African deities brought to the New World during the slave trade. With Brighid she became identified as Mamma Brigette a guardian of the cemetery and the spirit world. She is also the bride of the better-known Baron Samedi. Since Samedi was such a ghoulish figure it was often left to Mamma Brigette to offer blessings. She was said to be deity to petition to seriously ill children. She was also called upon to help n legal matters. She was also called upon when someone needs ready cash, since she holds court over the spirits, she also governs legal matters. Her favorite colors are black, purple, and violet. Her sacred trees are the elm and the weeping willow. Her spirit is said to live in trees growing in the graveyard. Like many voodoo deities Mamma loves all manner of offerings. She loves coffee, red wine, rum, rice, and most notable red-hot peppers which she enjoys added to her meals. Her favorite flowers are violets and purple irises. She loves purple egg plants as well. And so it goes.