Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

January 15, 2023

Dear Editor,

I see the big wheel rolling. It makes me optimistic to a degree. The wheels on the electric bus goes round and round.

The I.R.S. bought some $750,000 worth of ammunition for the 87,000 I.R.S. agents. The congress had voted not to fund the 87,000 agents.

Nice move.

President Biden has been caught with classified documents in several places. Of course no one would break into a garage to steal his corvette because it under lock and key. Perhaps he should store them next to an electric vehicle. Nobody I know wants an electric vehicle bad enough to steal one.

After all his postering about Trump having classified documents. The wheels on the bus rolled over Biden and his wreckless actions as a Vice President. The Vice President does not have the authority to change classifications. So he broke the 2 laws.

Biden has been proven by his own words to less than truthful. Less than honest. Less believable. Way to go Joe! “Come on man!”

I don’t know about the rest of the world, but I’m fed up with his stupidity. There is “a there, there”. Today it has been reported more classified documents have been found in a fifth location. “No there, there”? It’s more like everywhere, or here and there.

The double standard of the Democrats handling of this issue is so apparent. How can the D.O.J. be trusted with the up holding of our laws if the law is not applied evenly? Would you trust the F.B.I?

On the topic of double standards. The case of the embezzler the trail was scheduled for January 2023. I can not understand why the schedule was changed from January to mid December without a public notification release.

The judge has a thief accused of, and who has pleaded guilty to the theft. And the judge takes B.S. under advisement?

Tide around the Island Of Apathy is rising making the Special Prosecutor look as though he has mud of the legal quagmire to his ankles.

The criminal pleaded guilty to the crime. Then asked for deferred adjudication….where he could end up with a misdemeanor.

No jail and be on home confinement… all decided by the judge.

When I was growing up, if I committed a transgression according to dad, I was punished. Dad, being the judge, decided the severity of the punishment. There was no negotiation or “deferred adjudication” in my house. And the punishment was not two years in deciding.

The rule was, break the rules take your lickin’. There was no “ Let’s make a deal”.

The definition of em·bez·zle·ment:


1 theft or misappropriation of funds placed in one’s trust or belonging to one’s employer.”charges of fraud and embezzlement”



1 the action or crime of stealing.”he was convicted of theft”

I do not have a WOKE dictionary. So I have to go back to my 40 year old WEBSTER’S. These are the words and definitions I grew up with. No fancy legal twisting of the rules.

I hope the judge will use the same mind set in the adjudication.

The penalty for the illegal actions of the accused should be severely punished as he, the defendant, was not just anybody. He was, and still is in a position where the people have trusted him to be faithful to the rules.

It begs the question of his honor. If his employer can not trust him then why should the people trust him. Your honor, why would you?

We the people should hold the legal system responsible for our security and protection against the unworthy of our trust.

Well, my thanks and appreciations to our military, law enforcement officers, our first responders and the medical professionals.

Lloyd Brightwell