


The Salem City Council held a Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at Salem City Hall, 229 West Main Street Salem, West Virginia.  

Mayor James Robert Samples called the Public Hearing to order at 5:30 pm. 

The purpose of the public hearing was to permit those interested and affected parties to appear and be heard prior to the final vote on a proposed ordinance entitled: An Ordinance Regulating the Use of Video Recording Devices at Public Meetings. 

Mayor Samples opened the Public Hearing to comments from the public.  

Mr. Geoffrey Steele had questions regarding the resolution and the first reading of the ordinance. 

The resolution was read at the Council Meeting held on August 23, 2022. The first reading of the ordinance was held September 27, 2022.  

Mr. Joseph Hof commented that the Council Members should not be influenced by outside pressure. Mr. Hof stated that the reasons for wanting the ordinance was to restrict free press and suppress knowledge. Mr. Hof commented further that Council Members didn’t like to be taken by surprise because it makes Council and the City look bad. 

Ms. Becky Nesbitt read Section 1 of the Open Meetings Act emphasizing that Council Members don’t get to decide what is good or not good for the public to know. Ms. Nesbitt asked what was the purpose of the restricting area.

Mayor Samples read the proposed ordinance aloud. 

Mr. Geoffrey Steele had a question about section D of the ordinance. Mr. Steele asked whether the news media would be permitted to set up if they didn’t provide prior notice. City Attorney Sam Harrold stated that that was speculation and shouldn’t be answered.  

Ms. Becky Nesbitt asked who determines facts or situations in regards to number 4 of the ordinance. Ms. Nesbitt also asked whether it would be used to suppress certain people. 

Mayor Samples responded that it was left open ended for any situation that may arise for the safety of Council and the audience. 

City Attorney Sam Harrold stated that this ordinance was copied verbatim from another municipality and that he had cleared it with the Secretary of States Office. Mr. Harrold commented further that the resolution was not the ordinance just a proposal for the ordinance. After review the ordinance was trimmed down so it wouldn’t be as constitutionally restricting. 

Mayor Samples closed the Public Hearing at 5:57 pm.