
The Best Self-Help Technique I have Ever Used.

One thing is for certain, we can’t change the world, only ourselves. And the best way to do this is to change how we see and think about the world. Sounds easy enough, but not entirely. One really good technique is to draw upon a peak experience. The peak experience is one in which you did exceptionally well at some task. It could be anything from a tennis game or drawing a picture. All it need be is some event I which you handled yourself exceptionally well, with every step being golden. To recreate the moment, go back in your mind. Remember the event completely. What was the day like. Did it rain or was it sunny. Who was around you at the time. What were you wearing. Where there any smells. Totally recreate the time and place in which you had this golden moment. Sometimes it helps to write down all the details as they come back to you. This technique can really help build self-esteem and self-worth. When feeling blue, take out this page and re-read it. Draw upon other golden moments when you were totally self-assured and write those down as well. Writing the information will help make these golden moments more solid in your memory. Make a catalog of golden moments in your life. This will help you validate your importance and will give confidence in attempting new tasks. Try to keep the language positive and up-beat. Another device is to draw upon happy memories such as a special Christmas or other holiday meal. Again, it words best to focus on all the details that came together to make this a happy event. Try to remember the happy stuff, avoid any negative thoughts that might jump in. And may you have a happy life.