Letters to the Editor, Uncategorized

Letters to the Editor  

Dear Editor, 

Donald J. Trump’s home was invaded by the FBI while former President Trump was in New York. Safes were broken into. Boxes of documents were confiscated by FBI. No one said any receipt for the material were issued to prevent the salting of the confiscated material.

How hard up is the Democrats to prevent Trump from running in 2024?

This trash is so third world, no third grade by the party in charge. At almost every turn they have demonstrated their desperation. The fear of losing their control.

I wonder when, not if, the Democrats decide to confiscate your personal property will you be of the attitude that violation of the Fourth Amendment is acceptable.

You will never get me to believe Trump would stimulate his base by screwing up like stealing classified documents as Hilary did.

However, the demonstrations of these past two years have revealed the bullying, the relentless false documentation, false information generated by the Democrats, Especially concerning Trump 

This should shame anyone who would vote for the Democrats form of tyranny. They are so predictable.

Hilary Clinton was forgiven her indiscretions in her emails, sending classified documents to her assistant who then allowed the assistant’s husband to access the laptop.

The DNC knowingly backing Hilary’s dossiers of Russian collusion. (that was trustworthy of the FBI).

Former Attorney General Eric Holder in allowing racism, guns across the border, was responsible for a border patrol officers death under his watch. 

How about former President Barrack Obama for his outright lies?

This is actually not an attack on Donald Trump but a fear campaign to subject you into submission.

If you fear their retaliation for your stand, they will win. 

It seems coincidental the FBI comes under scrutiny of Senator Ted Cruz’s questioning and Trump gets screwed again by who? The DOJ (Department of Jerks) and FBI (Fibbing Bureau of Idiots). 

I don’t know how you feel about trusting the government to be neutral politically but dishonest partisan politics influencing our lives so as the bill of rights can be violated by the dishonesties of small minded individuals such as Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, Schumer and the list goes on.

Trump is no saint, this is true, but the sinful bustards persecuting him would in the old westerns be considered “back shooters” because they can’t look you in the eye — they can’t face you. The sneaks have to hit you from ambush.

I wonder how they will feel come January 2023?

If the Red Wave hits in November, it will wash ashore in January. In the defense of The United States of America I hope the Democrats come under at least the same allegations and scrutiny as they inflicted on Trump for four years.

I want to see Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Schiff in orange jump suits for their conniving ways. 

This is the latest intrusion and distraction to take your eyes off of the inflation, fuel prices, grocery prices. It also muddies the water for the 2022 midterm elections.

I will not be lied to, distracted by, or fooled by the lying Democrats. They are LSOB. (lying sons of Bidens)!

The DOJ, and FBI need to be investigated and people charged.

To the participants of the raid shame on you for your participation.

I’m shamed of the DOJ AND THE FBI!

At one time I had faith.

Now I use the terms Nazi, Brown Shirts, Gestapo, the same names used against people who opposed the DNC and Hilary.

To h— with them! I’m a Walmart shopping, gun toting, redneck deplorable.

Come November 2022, remember the ambushing, back stabbing, Democrats in Washington. Yes JOE Manchin, you are part of the SWAMP. And I don’t trust you!

I appreciate the men and women of the military service, thank you.

For our various police agencies stay safe and thank you.

For our first responders always, thank you.

For our medical professionals you rock! Thank you!

Lloyd Brightwell