
Town of West Union


August 9, 2021

Lions Club Building, West Union, WV 26456

Meeting was called to order by Mayor Kortni Sandridge @ 6:04 PM.  

Present:  Mayor Kortni Sandridge, Council Members:  John Barker, Donald Dotson, Jim Musgrave, and Jim Brannam.  Recorder: Melody Gray.  Douglas Cox, Water & Sewer, and Robin A. Valentine, City Office Assistant

Guests:  Sheena Hunt, Joe Thorpe, Jason Heflin, Rose Musgrave, and Tensel Davis, 

Prayer:  A moment of silence was observed.

Pledge:  Led by Mayor Sandridge.  

Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting minutes from July: John Barker made a motion to approve the minutes. Jim Brannam seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.   Special Meeting minutes from July 22nd:  Jim Brannam made a motion to approve the Special meeting minutes.  Jim Musgrave seconded the motion.  Unanimous approval.  

Approval of Invoices: There were multiple questions on the invoices.  Robin Valentine answered those questions.  Jim Musgrave made a motion to approve the invoices, John Barker seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.  

Police Report:  No Police Report. 

Public Comment:  Tensel Davis:  Was at the meeting to ask why does our water taste the way it does.  Too much chlorine taste in the water.  Doug said the water is tested.  Also because of breaks and leaks the chlorine level is much higher right now.  This is also true because of the heat.  Mr. Davis asked about if the drilling was effecting the water.  No was the answer.  Doug said the closer to Town the more it tasted like chlorine.  Also wanted to know when the last time the Hydrants were flushed on Rock Run?  They weren’t sure at this time.  The Town has had many leaks and breaks lately.  Jim Musgrave told Mr. Davis that we are in the process of improving the water lines.  The Council explained to him again about the chlorine taste.  Also discussed letters that was sent out.  The rates are based out of Charleston.  The Council took down his phone number and they will get back with him.  


*Burgess & Niple: Did put in for the change in the Wabash project last month. It has been approved.  Still having property issues on the Wabash project.  It is moving slowly 

*Region VI – Sheena Hunt: Sheena has requisition # 46.  James Musgrave made a motion to approve requisition # 46 to be paid.  Jim Brannam seconded the motion.  Unanimous approval.  

*CEC – Doe Run:  All of the permits have been signed. The right a way request have all been sent out.  Not all have come back.  Do not want to many hold up because it is a critical need.  Need to have 80% of the right a way’s signed before we can send it out to bid.  Council had a discussion on the ones they have and ones they need.  Sheena is going to have bids ready to go out.  

*CEC – Plant Upgrade and line upgrades: Discussion on where they are on the Plant Upgrade and the line upgrades at this point.   

 Old Business:

*Ronnie & Helen Flanigan – Right of Way that joins their property:  Jim Musgrave made a motion to table this decision for now.  John Barber seconded the motion.  Unanimous approval. 

*Dump Truck – authorize financing or an allotted amount to purchase:  There was a discussion on what to get and how much to pay for it.  Jim Musgrave made a motion to table this item.  Jim Brannam seconded the motion.  Unanimous approval.  

*Gene Marks – Retaining wall:  There was a discussion on who is responsible.  And that they put a hose in himself.  Jim Musgrave made a motion to table this one.  Jim Brannam seconded the motion.  Unanimous approval. 

*Con Costilow Complaint:  This has been forwarded to the attorney.  The attorney hasn’t gotten back to us yet.  Jim Musgrave made a motion to table.  No one seconded and there was no vote.  

New Business: 

   *Tree in ally behind Rocky Zickefoose/Dale Micheals:  This is around the basketball court behind the old Grade School.  It needs cut down or pruned.  Need to check on contractors to get it out before it falls on anybody home.  Jim Musgrave made a motion to at least prune the tree before something happens.  John Barber seconded the motion.  Unanimous approval.

  Jim Musgrave made a motion to go into Executive Session at 7:03 PM.    John Barker seconded the motion.  Unanimous approval.

  Jim Musgrave made a motion to come out of Executive Session at 7:13.  Jim Brannam seconded the motion.  Unanimous approval.

  John Barker made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Jim Musgrave seconded the motion.  Unanimous approval