Scripture, Seeds of Faith

Seeds of Faith

America, Repent

“Some say, “It’ll never happen here,” But demons have been sent to bring our county to it’s doom–

“America, Repent!”

Our liberty will flee so fast–the devil is intent to rob us 

of our heritage–

“America, Repent!”

Our sins have grieved Almighty God, And judgment will be sent– The voice of God becomes

 clear and plain:

“America, Repent!”

Our land’s been blest thru ‘out the years, Ten million blessings sent– But eyes are blinded to God’s care–

“America, Repent!”

The land arounds in sinful lust, in it they live content– I hear the Saviors’ voice now say,

“America, Repent!”

Most of the youth have strayed away, but warnings have been sent– the devil has them hypnotized–

“America, Repent!”

Your heart may be as hard as stone, But God can make a dent–Confess your sins at once to Him–

“America, Repent!”

The Lord is coming very soon, the time is almost spent– Our doom is coming, oh, so fast–

“America, Repent!”

Pilgrim Tract Society, Inc

Death Ends All

   A Fellow said to me one day, “I do not believe, Wilson, what you are preaching.” I replied, “Well, you have told me candidly what you do not believe; perhaps you will tell me equally candidly what you do believe.”

   He said, “I believe that death ends all.”

   “So do I! Shake on it,” I said.

   “What!” he said, “you believe that death ends all?”

   He said I was playing with him, so I proceeded to explain. I said, “Death ends all your chance of doing evil, death ends all your joy; death ends all your projects; all your ambition; death ends all the gospel that you will heat; death ends it all for you and you go out into outer darkness. Death ends all my wanderings, all my tears, all my perplexities, and all my disappointments; all my aches and pains; death ends it all and I go to be with my Lord in glory.”

Pilgrim Tract Society, Inc.