Featured, Meetings

Town of West Union Regular Meeting – May 10, 2021

Lions Club Building, West Union, WV 26456

   Meeting was called to order by Mayor James D. Friend @ 6:00 PM.

   Present: Mayor James Friend, Council Members: Mark Younkin, E. John Barker, Myla Thorpe, and Colby Jett. Recorder: Melody Gray. Amberly Taylor, City Clerk, Douglas Cox, Water & Sewer, Chris Garner, City Police Chief, Robin A. Valentine, City Office Assistant

   Guests: Sheena Hunt, Charlotte Mind, Cynthia Ford, Jerry Chio, Jason Heflin, Ryan Haws, and Jim Musgrave

   Prayer: A moment of silence was observed.

   Pledge: Led by Mayor Friend.

   Approval of Minutes: Mark Younkin made a motion to approve the regular April meeting minutes. Colby Jett seconded the motion. 3 approved, Myla Thorpe abstained because she wasn’t at the meeting. Motion carried. Mark Younkin made a motion to approve the Levy minutes. John Barber seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.

   Approval of Invoices: Mark Younkin made a motion to approve the invoices. John Barker seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.

   Police Report: Chris Garner, City Police Chief reported there were 79 incidents. Police Chief Garner has changed the schedule up to cover different times of day and night. Brandon works mostly days. Chris comes in at various times of evenings and weekends.

   Public Comment: Jim Musgrave – Announced the Meet the Candidate night is May 14th at the VFW building.


   ï Region VI – Sheena Hunt: She doesn’t have a lot to report. She does have drawn down. Requisition # 44 for the total amount of $1170.15. Myla Thorpe asked about if there has been any paving done. They don’t know. If the warranty is up not much they can do to force them to do it. They were on a call with the attorney but didn’t get very far on the call. Myla Thorpe made a motion to approve the Requisition. John Barker seconded the motion. Unanimous approval. Sheena had an update that they did send in to the Infrastructure and they should have a meeting to see if they can use some of the funds left over from the Wabash project.

   ï CEC: Ryan Haws just had a quick update on the approval of Grant funding. Should have an agreement by the next meeting to be approved. Discussion on some of the funding/plans Manchin is working on.

   New Business:

   ï Safety issues – Cynthia Ford: Ms. Ford had concerns of the safety of the children and citizens in her area of the Town. Said there were 4-wheelers and RV’s going up and down at high rates of speed. It is a 15 MPH zone. Maybe need to put out rumble strips and something like that to slow them down. Maybe speed bumps on Wood Street or Stewart St. Another concern is drugs in her area. They have gotten out of hand. She thanked Chris Garner for his work he has been doing. Hopes to have more done in this area concerning the drugs. Said that somebody has been killing animals around different neighborhoods. There was a discussion with the Council members and Ms. Ford on these concerns. Chris Garner let her know they are doing as much as they can.

   Old Business:

   ï 1% sales tax – adopt with special account or general fund account deposits: The 1% sales tax was adopted last meeting but without stating if the Town would put it in a special account or just the general fund. If put in a special account the Town could use it for various items instead of just general fund items. Myla Thorpe made a motion to approve the 1% sales tax to go into a special account. Colby Jett seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.

   ï International Property Maintenance – discussion on adoption: There was a discussion with Jerry Chio on if we adopt, do we have to enforce the whole thing or can we pick and choose. Jerry said we can pick or choose what we want to use. We will need to adopt the whole thing but we don’t have to enforce all of it. Mark Younkin made a motion to approve the 2015 International Property Maintenance policy. Colby seconded the motion. Mark Younkin and Colby Jett voted for the motion. Myla Thorpe and John Barker voted against. The Mayor voted for the motion to break the tie. Motion carried.

   Colby Jett made a motion to adjourn the meeting. John Barker seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.

   Meeting adjourned at 6:56 PM.