
Currydale CEOS Meeting – June 3, 2021

   Our Currydale CEOS met at the D.C. Park Campground Facility on June 3, 2021 for a covered-dish monthly meeting. After Joyce Nicholson gave the blessing, everyone enjoyed a very yummy luncheon. Debbie Crislip, President, called the meeting to order at 12:00. Everyone stood reciting the Pledge to the Flag.

   Denise Heater presented our meditations about the history of the first printed Gutenberg Bible by Johannes Gutenberg. This was a very exclusive and expensive Bible printed in 1398-1468. The beginning of mass production was in 1450. Denise gave some very interesting facts about this Bible.

   Roll call was answered by seven members. Books read and volunteer hours were also recorded.

   After reviewing the Minutes, motion was made, seconded, and approved.

   Dene Ryan presented the Treasurer’s Report. Motion was made, seconded and approved. The Flower Fund was also collected.

   Joyce Nicholson, our Health Motivator, presented some very interesting facts on Vitamin D. The Monthly Challenge was to make sure to eat the appropriate amount of vitamin D foods each day. Try to spend at least 20-30 minutes in direct sunlight several times a week. Vitamin D helps maintain healthy bones and helps with immune function and the reduction of inflammation. It may play a role in protecting you from diabetes, heart disease, depression and osteoporosis. Vitamin D is found in some foods and fatty fish such as tuna, sardines and salmon. Vitamin D also helps with Covid immunity. Chuckle of the month: A mother went into a pharmacy and said to the pharmacist, “I would like vitamins for my son.” “Vitamin A, D, or K?” the pharmacist asked. “It doesn’t matter,” the mother replied, “he can’t read yet!”

   The lesson “Edible Greens” was taught by Dian Currey. Some of the most delicious foods are wild edible greens and flowers. Dian picked and displayed some edible greens that she remembered from many years ago. Early reports indicate that edible plants were used by the Roman, Chinese, Middle Eastern and Indian cultures for both cooking and medicinal purposes. Researchers have identified nutrients in flower petals including vitamins A and C, riboflavin, niacin, and minerals such as calcium, iron, and potassium. Some edible flowers are Bachelor Button, Dandelion, Daylily, Hibiscus, Purslane, and red and white clover. One must be sure of proper identification when choosing wild greens and flowers. As a rule of thumb, avoid plants if they have milky or discolored sap, spines, fine hairs, or thorns. Plants and blossoms should be harvested the day they will be used. For food safety, wash the plants gently but thoroughly. Rinse the plants, then submerge them in a large bowl with three to four tablespoons of vinegar to kill any bacteria. After blanching and draining, they are delicious fried in an iron skillet with bacon grease.

   There was no correspondence.

   Pertaining to Continuing Education and Marketing and Membership, nothing was reported. We had nine books read from the Purposeful Reading List. Our Family Chairperson was absent.

   We are happy that two of our members participated in this year’s Online Day of Giving. Give Local Day (MOV) was on May 4, 2021. Also, we had two members attend the Food Handlers Class.

   We were sorry to hear that one of our dear mailbox members, Martha Daniels’ husband Pat passed away. After a brief discussion, motion was made, seconded, and approved to send Martha a gift card enveloped in a sympathy card. Flowers were sent to Kathy Crislip who has been in the hospital for several weeks.

   Lesson Leader Training will be June 29, 2021, 11:00 a.m. at the Extension Office. June 30, 2021, will be Stitching Day at the Ext. Office. Our next meeting will be on July 1, 2021, at the WVU Meeting Room. The County Council Meeting will be at the D.C. Park Veteran’s Shelter on July 13, 2021.  Debbie Crislip is to check with the Fairview Diner about having our Christmas Dinner Meeting on December 2, 2021.

   The Friendship Tray furnished by Mary Mahoney was won by Denise Heater.

   John Snider, employee at the D.C. Park, spoke to us about some activities that have been planned in October. A Haunted House will be ready in the 4-H Barn on October 30. They will also hand out camper treats on the last weekend in October. He asked if our club would be interested in preparing some small bags of candy treats, etc., to be passed out between 6:00 and 9:00 p.m. on Oct. 30. John came back a little later stating that there will be a huge yard sale on June 5, July 3, August 7, and September 4 at the park from 9:00-2:00 each day. If one would like to reserve a table, the cost is $10.00.

   Prayer Requests: Kathy Crislip, J.B. Jeflin and family, Mary Ann Gum, Ed and Connie Cumpston, Helen Nicholson, Margene Wentz, Maxine Davis, Dean Couch, Sandy and Buddy McKinney, Debra Hiney and baby son, David Heater, Denise Heater, Sissy and Junior Arbogast.

   Motion was made, seconded and approved to adjourn at 2:00 p.m.

   Those present were: Sissy Arbogast, Debbie Crislip, Dian Currey, Ann Davis, Denise Heater, Joyce Nicholson and Dene Ryan.