
Letter to the Editor — Definitions

Dear Editor,

   During the week of the inauguration preparation, a request by the speaker of the house of the U.S. military to set up machine gun nests with 50 caliber machine guns around the U.S. Capital.

   According to Ken Cuccinelli, acting deputy secretary at the Department of Homeland Security, Pelosi had even wanted “crew-manned machine guns” (!!!). But her request was turned down, he said Tuesday evening to Martha MacCallum on Fox News, “because there’s simply no use for that in a security arrangement for a civilian undertaking.”

   Does her request lend itself to question her mental state?

   What the individual requesting such reinforcement does not understand is the United States military is not allowed to operate in the U.S. unless marshal law is declared.

    Is that an indication of the paranoia of this administration? The people in charge need to research the rules before making such request.

   Why would you make a request for such “security” measures for what should be a celebration and at the same time not allow the National Guard in to ANTIFA hot spots with the violence and destruction. The destruction took place at the same time of the celebration.

   The powers that be are so afraid of it’s citizens who hold a difference of opinion that the violence of a radical fascists bent on destruction is dismissed.

   I have a difference of opinion than that of Schumer and Pelosi and their ilk. However, I will not destroy the work, property and livelihood of others. That is SEDITION, INSURRECTION and DOMESTIC TERRORISM.

   Chuck and Nancy use these words to describe individuals with different views.

   Let’s look at the definition of these words according to the dictionary and not twist them to suit any political narrative.

    Sedition: “conduct or speech inciting people to rebellion against authority of a state….” does that definition work both ways? If so, constitutionally we are the power who elect these officials to govern, (not rule) and they are speaking against us, isn’t that SEDITION? With the power to vote these individuals in or out of office then we are the authority. When the elected speak against electors, again, isn’t that sedition? These definitions came from Al Gores amazing internet.

   Insurrection: “A violent uprising against a government or authority.”   Mere difference of opinion does not an insurrection make. Unless one is so insecure that the mere difference of opinion causes anguish. The persecution by some politicians over the previous administration’s existence could be deemed insurrection. Example: the political leaders obsessing over a false document for four years and millions of dollars, generated by a conspiracy, to remove from office a duly elected President to the extent of impeachment. The time and money spent to justify the false accusations could be construed as insurrection. These definitions came from Al Gores amazing internet.

   Domestic Terrorist: “a person who commits a terroristic act in their own country against their own countrymen.” If a request is made by an insecure person or persons of power to install machine gun nests around Washington DC, could that be domestic terrorism? Is the violence by ANTIFA against the government and other American citizens domestic terrorism? Look at the definition. These definitions came from Al Gores amazing internet.

   I have one more definition. Malfeasance.

   Malfeasance: Intentional conduct that is wrongful or unlawful, especially by officials or public employees. Malfeasance is at a higher level of wrongdoing than nonfeasance (failure to act where there was a duty to act) or misfeasance (conduct that is lawful but inappropriate). These definitions came from Al Gores amazing internet.

   The lack of action by the mayors and governors in states where violence has taken place constitutes malfeasance or nonfeasance at least.. All summer these people in authority have allowed the violence to continue. They turned their back to the violence.

   Malfeasance may be considered if attempting to impeach a sitting president based on a false document obtained through fabrication and the FISA warrants based on false information from James Comey the head of the FBI. So many should be charged with malfeasance at a minimum.

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. This definition came from Al Gore’s amazing internet. Look at the definition. It’s defined as a right wing power grab! This is the tactic of the left. The left supported the ANTIFA actions without condemnation of their actions by not taking any action. Now the left through threatening us with speech suppression and the cancel culture is exercising dictatorial power. and forcing us into submission. Strong regimentation is the equivalent of, (are you ready?) reprogramming.

   These definitions came from Al Gores amazing internet. My interpretation and questions are based on the definitions and the U.S Constitution.

We are the government. We are not supposed to question the leadership according to the leadership.

   Our government officials think we can be reprogrammed like a computer to accept their way of thinking.

   All through my formative years it was drummed into us as students that we have freedom of speech guaranteed by the Constitution and the BILL OF RIGHTS. Now the bill of rights only apply to those who think and speak as the extreme left politicians.

Try to program me! (Dad tried for 20 years) I was taught to stand and be counted. Speak up for your rights. I’ll write more.

I love the AMERICA I grew up in, with the constitution as it’s written.

   In this sue happy environment we live in today, I wonder how our political leadership would like to be sued. Not as a politician but as a domestic terrorist, misinterpretation of the constitution, and persecution based on falsehoods.

   They to use words like white supremacy, racist, and beliefs, indicating hate crimes. What about the hate crime against an individual because of the individual beliefs.

   Psychotic behavior is defined as psychosis that is relating to, denoting, or suffering from a psychosis “a psychotic disturbance” is a mental disorder characterized by a disconnection from reality.

   “Psychosis may occur as a result of a psychiatric illness like schizophrenia. In other instances, it may be caused by a health condition, medications, or drug use.” As defined by the internet.

   Does this define anyone in particular’s actions? (Nancy, Chuck, Jerry, Adam and on down the line.

Allow me to be clear, I am not a doctor nor am I judging individuals mental condition. Just asking.

   God, I don’t want to be reprogrammed just because I have a dictionary, thesaurus and several encyclopedias.

   Irony: I have been taught to respect the political process. I have been taught that taking an oath is a solemn promise, a covenant to operate within the confines of that covenant for the people who placed their trust and faith in you.


   These people lost the meaning of the oath of office.

   “ I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same: that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God”.

   “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands. One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”

   That’s my covenant to the people of this country.

   To the men and women of our military, various police agencies and the medical professionals, I offer a sincere thank you for all you do.

Lloyd Brightwell