
Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor,

   Well, let’ see!

   The President gave a speech, and before it was finished,  many people broke in to the the capital. That was a terrible act which I don’t condone. Although the frustration is understandable.

   The questions concerning the election have never been and never will be answered.

   That angers me, but not to the point I would break the law, or desecrate OUR historical centers and jeopardize it’s significance.

   The riots of the late spring and summer resulted in loss of property, businesses and even life. Let’s look at the riots realistically. Only the worst people performed the dastardly deeds. However, the whole group was judged as “violent.“ Not all were violent. Just as all police were blamed for the actions of a few. The democratic leadership did not condemn the violence.

   What President Trump said has been twisted to suit the narrative of those suffering from PTSD, (President Trump Stress Disorder).

   Nancy Pelosi has been obsessed with the President even before he took office. She stirred her cauldron of hate, deceit, deception to the extent she proudly told the American people she deliberately held up the Covid relief because she did not want the President’s name on it. She should be impeached. She has been divisive in her speech and actions making “we the people” the victims.

   Maxine Waters accused Republicans of being “white supremest”. What the heck does race have to do with anything? She also said we’re all racist!

   I have friends from all over the world, of every nationality, race, religion. We work together, eat together, laugh together. Oh, I should tell you now, I’m a republican. But according to MAXINE, I’m a racist because I’m not a democrat. 

   If you’re not a lefty, are you a racist? That kind of language causes division. It causes more anger.

   A individual (Hispanic liberal) stated the “baby boomers” caused these problems of the day. Also stated the government should pay for everything. 

   This individual is an immigrant milking us for everything. If the boomers had not contributed to the growth of this country, he would still be lighting his dwelling with candles and bathing in the creek. The contributions made by our older generation made his life easier and better. 

   If he doesn’t like this country, he should go back to the South American paradise from whence he came.

   Next is the “cancel culture”. The cancel culture is switching off conservative speech from Facebook, Twitter and others. The conservative speech suppression is supported by AT&T, Apple, Google, Walmart and more.

   I don’t know why. They certainly didn’t pay any heed to requests for determining the legality of the 2020 election.

   These companies contribute vast sums to the liberal politicians and they hedge their bets by contributing a little to the Republican Party.

    I would suggest to counter the cancel culture of these corporations, use different companies.

   Instead of AT&T, why not Version?

   Instead of Apple, why not Android?

   Instead of Google, what about Yahoo?

   Instead of Walmart, I visit mom and pop stores.

   These companies are governing you and I anyway by charging us for their privilege to do so. 

   The cancel culture can work against the supporters of the politicians by switching to other options.

   Look it up. What will you have to lose? Your speech has already been suppressed by private enterprise. 

   As always, I give thanks to our military, police, medical professionals for their service.

   God bless you all.

Lloyd Brightwell