
Doddridge County Schools Once Again Atop State Rankings

Doddridge County Schools was the only county district in West Virginia to meet the United States Department of Education’s goal for high school seniors to complete a critical application for financial aid. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required by colleges and trade schools to receive federal grant money. The goal for FAFSA completion was set at 70%. Doddridge County led the state at 71.4%, while the statewide average was 54%. “I want to thank our school counselors for all of their hard work helping our students reach this goal.” said Adam Cheeseman, Superintendent of Doddridge County Schools, “Filling out the FAFSA is the first step for our seniors to take as they contemplate their future. Whether it is a four-year university, a two-year community college or trade school, we encourage every student that wants to further their education to fill out the FAFSA.”

This is not the first time Doddridge County Schools has led the state. Doddridge County led the state in Four Year Graduation rate last year with 97.4% of Freshman graduating in four years. Doddridge County School District was also ranked the top district in the state by a nationally recognized public-
safety organization last year. The ranking took into account numerous categories, including standardized test scores, teacher qualifications, attendance and college preparedness.