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Elijah Dean Candidate WV For Senate District 2

   Elijah Dean is a Pro-Faith, Pro-Life, Pro-Gun and Pro-Coal candidate with conservative family values who will work for the people in District 2.

   He is a Christian Coal miner from Metz, WV, who has a passion to pre  serve and protect the freedoms we all hold dear. He was raised in Metz with family all around, and graduated from Calvary Christian School in Fairmont, WV. He works at Marion County Coal Mine as a Union Fire Boss and has been underground since 2012. His desire is to build an economy and business environment that will ignite expansion from within and attract investment from without. He wants the next generation to live in this great state of West Virginia, and not be forced to move away from family to find a good paying job. Being a union coal miner, he understands what a working-class family goes through, and what is truly important to the people in District 2. He has been married to his wife Erica for 13 years and together they are raising two young sons. He loves WV and wants what is best for this great state.